Anonymous ID: 8ff427 April 27, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.1220217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ware shills.


If you see a post "im an anon I work really hard for Q and George Bush is spending my money and still raping babies "

  • that post is sschilloid shit.


Keep discipline. If schills disputing each other costs us spectator sympathies, then they shall have been mislead.


We dont need to convince anyone Q is real. We don't need to convince our selves and George Bush is doing what

He's doing till we can stop it.

There's red block letters at the top of this thread. Be sure to read everyday.

The poison tongue schills will effect you less if you pray meditate and do not filter.

Then lurk and you will begin to see anons

We are here with all the spooks and corporate mercenaries NSA MI and occult societies.


Occult anons, is correct to.assume the Winter King and Queen were a previous attempt to create an Awakening at that time?

Or was it Jesuit FF ?

Anonymous ID: 8ff427 April 28, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.1220434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

John Titor is a great part of the story of the is baron trumps undergroind journey.

Then the are real life adventure of Donalds grandfather Fred Drumph who pulled a fortune in gold from the frozen ground of the Yukon in the last great gold rush. FD would have run into Rothschild agents there.

A lot of claim up there were held by Frank Guistra, the luciferian dwarf who make his billions in gold/w peter munk and laundering money through Lionsgate films. You will recall the degenerate dwarf flew WJC to pedo island and put large amounts of money into the Clinton Foundation.

Lionsgate studios released the creepy Scientolgist mind control 101 film CRASH that was loaded with hooks into common cognitive defects. Not as blatant as the Blue Whale game mind control tackle but dangerous enough and toxic sewage as far as art or entertainment.

We have very little on Guistra.

Schills –what do you think? Worth a dig or nah?