Anonymous ID: 9c7816 April 27, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.1220198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0232 >>0235 >>0305 >>0342 >>0378 >>0476 >>0490

No Q, Autists need communication & interpersonal skills - not red bull (ok maybe red bull). Message to all ANONS: All work(s) done elsewhere including recreation help this effort be more fruitful. You must realize by now that a greater purpose in life encompasses all of us here. (((You))) are a part of that & the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. To nurture & care for yourself is to nurture the movement & the message. To envelop oneself completely in the effort, as autists tend to do, will not be healthy for any of us. I don't think Q wants people to lose their jobs or ignore their obligations & responsibilities, but as a good soul respects the nature of free will. Our choices are our own. Our frustrations are our own.



Sessions recused himself due to the nature of attention he was recieving from media, politicians, etc. He can't be seen as both leading the charge against the deep state AND partisan, only one or the other. And as he was being seen as partisan, it is a wise decision to recuse & hand off the investigation to SC.

Mueller himself is in a rare position of neutrality & trust with both parties and is expected to act impartial, & without bias (either (((they)) think the facts/Mueller are on their side or (((they))) are oblivious). This observation is evidenced throughout various reports.


The reconciliation of available information may be rendered thusly:

Whether or not Mueller & SC are on our /team/ is beside the point (Q, hilarious making (((them))) wonder about on/off /team/! the topic is itself a distraction - protip for the shills). We will find that the point of it was to open up an opportunity in which to insert other evidence into the discovery of an ongoing investigation. Mueller & SC are right where he/they need to be regardless of whose team they're on (sr D's on Mueller staff? distracted much?). The lucrative law firm partnership which Mueller departed in order to take on the role of SC is connected to many of the biggest names & corporations of the world. It is Mueller who knows where all the bodies are buried, and he knows where to tell POTUS, IG, et all to dig.


You see, Mueller IS Trump's pick to run the FBI - to run the special counsel investigation that would ultimately lead INTO and REVEAL the level of corruption taking place at its highest echelon. This is why Q is asking us to direct our attention towards that topic [for now]. Cooperating witnesses will name names, detail relationships & information. FBI swamp is getting drained & will lead into U1 investigations (if they are not already being concurrently investigated by Sessions), causing further swamp exposure/drainage. Mueller needs witnesses for evidence and information that arent himself. A laser pointer is often used to distract cats who will attempt to chase and capture it while not realizing it is a concentrated beam of LIGHT.


Flynn is our trojan horse (gift) to the deep state (syke lol not a gift, actually the beginning of ur end btw). Either he learned new information that necessitates his guilty plea or the guilty plea is simply a means to facilitate the discovery of other forms of evidence through his testimony. What we are about to witness is the public unraveling of top-level FBI corruption, and it will ultimately develop into the public dismantling, revelations, and apprehensions of the deep state network.


If you TRUST THE PLAN, it will reveal itself to you. Some assembly is required.


Can I go to bed now, Q ?