Anonymous ID: a4bb09 April 28, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.1220476   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Beautifully summarised, anon.

This needs to be in notables and reread often so that every time anons get discouraged and impatient they are reminded that there really is a plan that really is working - slowly but surely - and their work is not in vain.

WE, the people, WILL get our countries back from the cabal. And when that happens we will remain actively engaged in the oversight of our elected governrnents, and teach our children to do the same, so that never again will our liberties be stolen from under our noses.

Anonymous ID: a4bb09 April 28, 2018, 1:01 a.m. No.1220648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very true, anon.

MSM has to be exposed as the political hacks they are because it is the MSM that drives the false narrative. Behind the scenes, corrupt judges are slowly being exposed and replaced; corrupt politicians are "retiring" from Congress and Senate; corrupt CEOs are standing down; and much, much more. This all takes time. Have courage, have faith, have patience.