Anonymous ID: a6de47 April 27, 2018, 11:11 p.m. No.1219988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0033 >>0300 >>0664



>Russia grounding our military planes in Syria.

>Military aircraft crashing in US.


>Autists need Red Bull?



In January, Russia started testing their new weapons capabilities in Syria initially against several drones then later every day against our EC-130s and surveillance drones. They invested heavily in electronic warfare to counter NATO’s dominance in conventional weaponry. Rather than retaliate against us by firing missiles at our planes, it's far more politically palatable to jam our electronics. Our anti-jamming devices aren't working against this. Basically we're having a one-sided war over there with Russia without the world noticing.


Perhaps China or whoever shared with them which parts in our planes are substandard, and they're using another advanced system to cause them to fail. Besides all the crashes, pilots and ground crews have been suffering hypoxia symptoms. It's been in at the least the A-10s, F-22s, F-35s, F/A-18s, T-45 trainers, and T-6 trainers. They've identified the plane parts contributing to this problem but not the root cause yet.

