Patriots have NO skin color. Even when whites demographically give way to blacks and mulattoes the country will still enjoy a high standard of living and be a beacon of hope for all of mankind. Why? The Constitution, my friend.
That's because you set the bar too high for women. WOMEN, anon.
Excuse me? You don't believe in magic dirt? How can you entertain such heresy? Hang on, I think I'm having a stroke. Are you sayagrnoinarogi RACE isfsdfalifnelwei REAL???? #o3rij3o
Of course it will. The only reason why blacks can't come up with much is because whites' very existence holds them back. When the earth is finally cleansed of whites they will blossom as firekeepers of civilization? Do you think there's something wrong with this theory?
What do you mean stupid? Have you seen the way white South African farmers live? Isn't that beautiful? Wouldn't you want that visited on your homeland too?
Cheers, brother. That fills me with reassurance!
When I was taught under Professor Shekelberg he told me they skinned people alive because of institutional racism set up by white people.
Without the Empire, how will black servicemen stationed on bases rape Japanese girls? I'm not sure I can come to terms with this want of enrichment.
Why don't you lay back for a while and watch some interracial porn? I hear is great.
Does this caravan arrive next week? Also, could that give Trump an excuse to boost military and LEO presence on the streets?
What white genocide? Haven't you got the memo? The white race, unlike blacks and Asians, is a social construct. It was never there to begin with. So-called achievements of said race followed from the entrepreneurship and ingenuity of the black African kangz.
Frail little white boy is butthurt his girls are being ridden by the black stallion.
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Красуха» выпускается серийно с 2011 года.
А «убийца электроники» «Рычаг-АВ» относится к новейшим разработкам и поступил на вооружение только в 2016 году.
Russia's latest crop of electronic warfare units appears to have been developed sometime during and towards the end of the Obama admin. Coincidence?