Anonymous ID: cd1587 April 27, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.1220018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0031 >>0171


Spirit cooking refers to a magical ritual called drawing down the moon to conceive a moonchild at a specific place and time chosen for astrological reasons. The moon is the Light Bearer of the night, or in Latin, Lucifer of the night. In other words Satan. The idea is roughly that Satan is summoned to posess the man (rather like Voodoo posession) and Satan fucks the vessel of blood, i.e. Holy Grail, I.E the vagina of the girl leading to the womb (cup) where the semen and blood are mixed, i.e conception occurs. This is the first stage in creating a person to do a specific job in a GRAND CONSPIRACY. Of course the child is raised by carefully chose parents and tutors in order to be extremely competent at the chosen task, even more so than they can normally create with Satanic Ritual Abuse.


This has been done again and again. We know for sure that Barbara Bush was a moonchild conceived with the semen of Aleister Crowley. We suspect that Barack Obama was also, although a different father, namely Pak Subuh. But we are missing some links in the chain for Hussein.


Remember I said this is a GRAND CONSPIRACY? These people are conspiring to rule the world under something they call the Natural World Order which is a rigid pyramidal system of control with a small group of Illuminated ones at the cap of the Pyramid, who are the only ones free to think and choose what is done on this planet. The Georgia Guidestones give an outline of how a Natural World Order would function but they conveniently leave out details such as what is done with surplus population.


Much of this plan has to be kept secret from the sheep or they will not consent to it. Therefore, since this is a real CONSPIRACY some veil must be created to entangle anyone who stumbles on the work in progress. This is called "Conspiracy Theory". When anyone raises the issue of a conspiracy they are branded a Conspiracy Theorist and by means of predictive programming, the sheep have been conditioned to recognize a conspiracy theorist as a crazy nutcase who you can simply ignore.


Marina is one of the High Priestesses at the heart of this CONSPIRACY because she is a specialist in summoning Satan and doing the Moonchild ritual.


But we can defeat them by exposing their actions. We don't necessarily have to call it a conspiracy, and because of the protective spell they have cast over us, it would be better to not mention conspiracy at all, to not paint a full picture of the conspiracy. Only unveil things in bits and pieces because we can BREAK THE CONSPIRACY SPELL when a member of the public looks at the unveiled evidence and thinks to themselves, My God this is a conspiracy. When the idea comes to them based on evidence it breaks the spell of "conspiracy theorist".


By the way, unveiling in Greek is Apocolipsis. Get it? Apocalypse? It is not about death and destruction. It is about the Great Awakening and seeing with Eyes Wide Open.

Anonymous ID: cd1587 April 27, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.1220056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0066 >>0079 >>0082 >>0085 >>0247 >>0357

What shills want:

To fill the breads with shitposts.

To get you to respond to their stupidity.

To get you angry.

To get you discouraged.

To get you to think Q is a LARP or AI.

To get you to doubt Q/POTUS/The Plan.

To get you to think Patriots are giving up.

To get you to think negatively.

To get you to stop coming here or go somewhere else.

To divide us.

You to forget about SA.

You to forget about NK being freed.

You to forget that the Patriots are in control.


What shills DON'T want:

You to dig.

You to make connections.

You to use logic.

You to ignore them.

You to build the proofs.

You to find the truth.

You to know we are winning BIGLY.

You to dispense the Red Pills.

You to think positively.

You to remember the stage is being set via EOs.

You to remember the sealed indictments.




They are desperate.

They are scared.

They are scrambling.

They are LOSING.

They know we are getting closer to the big picture.

They know something BIG is coming.

They are trying to silence us and it's not working.

Emotion is the enemy of Reason. If they can get you angry, they can get you to stop thinking logically.


Godspeed, Patriots.

Let's show them why they will never win.


Anonymous ID: cd1587 April 27, 2018, 11:58 p.m. No.1220284   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No one is buying this stupid tactic.


JL is part of the cabal. You don't awaken someone who is part of the nightmare.


Remember JL/Tiegen flight getting turned around?

Remember moonbaby?

Remember Q specifically telling us to read his lyrics, about the sacrificing and marching into darkness?


You're dumb or bad at shilling.