Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.12201431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1699 >>2061 >>2100

China-Based Zoom Employee Spied On Dissidents At Direction Of Chinese Intelligence, Feds Say


A Zoom employee based in China spied on users of the company’s video conferencing platform on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party’s intelligence services, according to federal prosecutors.

The executive allegedly fabricated evidence against the video conference participants in order to shut down events to commemorate the Tiananmen Square massacre.

A Justice Department official said that the case shows that American companies with significant business interests in China are “not immune from the coercive power” of the communist regime.


A Chinese national working for Zoom Communications, the California-based, tech company spied on video conference calls at the behest of China’s intelligence services, and shut down virtual events held to commemorate the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, the U.S. government announced on Friday.


Justice Department officials said that Xinjiang Jin, also known as Julien Jin, collected information about the video platform users, some of whom were in the U.S., and provided it to China’s intelligence and law enforcement services.


Jin served as Zoom’s in-house liaison to the Chinese government. The complaint shows he had close contact with other Zoom employees as well as with agents of the Chinese government. Jin also met with Zoom’s chief operating officer, and exchanged messages with CEO Eric Yuan, according to the complaint.


The complaint, which was unsealed against Jin on Friday, does not identify the company, but a spokesperson for Zoom issued a statement confirming that it is the company and the center of the investigation.


Jin, who remains in China, is charged with conspiracy to commit interstate harassment and unlawful conspiracy to transfer means of identification.


John Demers, the assistant attorney general for national security, said that the case shows that U.S. executives are at risk of being co-opted by the Chinese government when doing business with Beijing.

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.12201436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1594 >>1699 >>2061 >>2100

ICE Deports More Than 185K Illegal Aliens, 4.2K Gang Members in 2020


The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency deported more than 185,000 illegal aliens in Fiscal Year 2020 including more than 4,200 gang members, despite operational disruption caused by the Chinese coronavirus crisis.


Between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020, ICE agents deported 185,884 illegal aliens from the United States. About 64 percent of those deported, 118,949 illegal aliens, had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges against them. Nearly 14,500 illegal aliens deported were family units while a little more than 4,000 were Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs).


The overwhelming majority, 92 percent, of illegal aliens deported from the interior of the U.S. had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges against them at the time of their deportation.


As suspected due to the coronavirus, deportations this year dropped by more than 30 percent compared to Fiscal Year 2019 deportations and more than 27 percent compared to Fiscal Year 2018 deportations.


Of the illegal aliens deported this year, 4,276 were known or suspected gang members and 31 were known or suspected terrorists. This year, ICE’s air travel deportation operation coordinated a record 76 charters to high-risk countries including Jordan, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Mongolia.


There was a 160 percent increase in total deportations via ICE’s high-risk air travel deportations compared to last year. Likewise, ICE agents deported more than 350 high-profile illegal aliens including Bosnian national Saudin Agani, convicted of aiding a terrorist organization.


Agani is a relative of Bosnian illegal alien Dzenan Camovic, who was indicted this year for ambushing two New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers in June while shouting the phrase “Allahu Akbar.” Justice Department officials have said that Camovic is a supporter of the Islamic State (ISIS).


As President Trump has surged immigration enforcement, President-Elect Joe Biden has promised to halt deportations of illegal aliens — including convicted criminals — and wind down various interior enforcement measures.


Deportations for illegal aliens is a huge cost-savings for American taxpayers, research has found. The taxpayer cost of the roughly 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens living across the U.S. totals nearly $750 billion over the course of a lifetime while each deportation costs just $10,900. This indicates that taxpayers would save about $622 billion over a lifetime if every illegal alien was deported.

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.12201444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1560 >>1699 >>2061 >>2100

ICE Arrests 104K Illegal Aliens in 2020, Including 675 MS-13 Gang Members


The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency arrested nearly 104,000 illegal aliens this year, including hundreds of MS-13 gang members who often arrive through the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program.


Between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020, ICE agents arrested 103,603 illegal aliens living in the United States — 90 percent of which had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges against them.


ICE placed detainers on 122,233 illegal aliens this year, which are requests by agents to local law enforcement agencies to hold an illegal alien in their custody until the suspect can be turned over to ICE for arrest and deportation. Sanctuary cities, counties, and states refuse to comply with detainers and instead free illegal aliens back into U.S. communities.


Of those arrested this year, 4,067 were known or suspected gang members. Of those gang members arrested, 675 were associates of the El Salvador-based MS-13 gang, which often traffics its recruits through the UAC program where unaccompanied minors are released into the U.S. interior after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.


A total of 34 known or suspected illegal alien terrorists were among those arrested by ICE this year. ICE conducted nearly 24,000 at-large arrests, where agents take illegal aliens who are wanted for crimes or immigration violations into custody.


Vital to ICE’s arresting operations is the 287(g) program, where local law enforcement agencies sign agreements to help agents locate and arrest wanted illegal aliens in a streamlined fashion. ICE signed 150 287(g) agreements with local law enforcement agencies this year.


ICE conducted a number of arrest operations across various states this year including Operation Cross Check XI, which spanned from July to September and netted the arrest of more than 2,700 illegal aliens.


About 85 percent of the illegal aliens arrested in Operation Cross Check XI had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges with more than 5,800 criminal convictions and more than 3,200 pending criminal charges. Some of the convictions included homicide, assault, sex crimes, weapons violations, and robberies.


Today, there are anywhere between 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:47 p.m. No.12201546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1625 >>1699 >>2061 >>2100 >>2113

The Fall of Dominic Cummings: Boris Johnson’s “Genius” as Raskolnikov


Dominic Cummings has gone from the British government after an epic year and a half, that deserve to be remembered, though not for the reasons he would like.


The Master Hypnotist behind Boris Johnson’s bumbling bumptious rise to power and his catastrophic performance as prime minister self-destructed after running the British economy into the ground, criminally, isolating his country from its traditional allies in the Untied States and Western Europe and failing to have the wit to realize that it would have paid well to have at least treated Russia and China with courtesy.


To quote Isaac Asimov’s character Salvor Hardin in his classic science fiction novel “Foundation”, “Such folly smacks of genius. A lesser mind would be incapable of it.”


Cummings deserves to be studied for many reasons – most of them bleak – but even one or two positive. Superficially, he promised exactly the kind of fresh wind the moribund world of British policymaking – which has not entertained a single new worthwhile idea since Margaret Thatcher force-fed them hers 40 years ago -desperately needed.


Many of Cummings’ ideas looked at in the abstract and pure isolation – which is the only way most intellectually pretentious pundits “see” (or, of course, really fail to see) anything -appeared at first welcome and even admirable.


He loathed the European Union and its anti-democratic power center in Brussels. He wanted to re-empower British popular democracy and like Donald Trump in the United States had a populist and genuinely moral vision that governments should serve their own peoples, and not some abstract liberal nostrum of vague sentiments and “profound” notions like “:open borders.” freedom of immigration and 100 percent free trade.


He rightly recognized and agreed with – as do I – Dostoyevsky’s warning about the hellish consequences inflicted on the world by the tyranny of advanced, progressive notions.


He was a graduate of Exeter College at Oxford University, as wise and nurturing a school for personal character, good sense and the humanities as anyone could wish for (I took my first degree there too). So where and why did it all go wrong?


Add to this an instinctive, fiery impassioned tactical political intellect of genius. For everything else that later went – predictably – catastrophically wrong – remember what this man achieved.


– In 2016 he masterminded an upstart campaign that – through endless groundless assertions and outright lies – convinced a majority of the British people to leave the European Union.

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.12201589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1603 >>1699 >>1736 >>2061 >>2100

More courage in his little finger than all of Congress


7-year-old boy went back into raging house fire to rescue baby sister: 'I didn't want my sister to die'


'Someone woke me up and I know it was God,' the mother said


A family lost their home during the holiday season, but thanks to brave 7-year-old Eli, they didn't lose something even more precious — the family's youngest member.


Dec. 8 was like any other night. Chris and Nicole Davidson fed their three children dinner and tucked them into bed by 8:30 p.m. However, the Davidsons were awakened in the middle of the night to the smell of smoke in their home in New Tazewell, Tennessee.


"And about 11:30 someone woke me up and I know it was God," Nicole told WLTV-TV.


Nicole said Chris, who is a former fireman, "grabbed the fire extinguisher trying to buy me time to get the kids, and I grabbed the boys because they were closest to the fire."


They ran outside, but their 22-month-old daughter was still inside the burning home.


Nicole Davidson said the living room was engulfed by the inferno and prevented her from accessing the bedroom where her 22-month-old daughter was sleeping.


"The scariest moment of my life was when I couldn't get her," Nicole said.


"The smoke and fire was so thick there was no way I could get to her," Chris told CNN. "We went outside to get to her from the window, but there was nothing for me to stand on to reach up there."


Young Eli reminisced about saving his sister in the dire situation, "Dad busted the window and then I said, 'I can't do it,' like two times, and then I said, 'I got her dad'. And when we went down there I said, 'I was scared but I didn't want my sister to die."


Chris said he "picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to grab her from her crib."


"We couldn't be more proud of Eli," Chris Davidson said. "He did something a grown man wouldn't do."


While the baby was rescued, the Davidsons' home couldn't be saved from the devastating fire. There were 20 firefighters on the scene battling the blaze, but New Tazewell Fire Chief Josh Miracle said, "nothing was left."


The Davidsons have fostered 34 children, including Eli, and adopted two others. But now they don't have a roof over their heads.


"We lost everything that we have ever had," Chris Davidson said. "Our entire lives were in that home. Our three cars were also damaged in the fire."


"It's devastating. We have nothing," he said. "You have never been as humble as you are when you don't even have your own underwear to wear."


A GoFundMe was launched to help the family financially and has raised over $270,000.


Nicole thanked those who gave donations to the family, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could never repay anyone for their kindness that they've shown my family. Please know that it will always be with me, it's not something you forget about. I am beyond grateful."


Nicole told an anecdote about Eli's newfound fame, "I read several of the comments to him, and his reply to me this morning was 'Mom I'm gonna be famous.' I still don't think at his age he grasps what he has done and how phenomenal that is."

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.12201655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1663

Military Situation In Syria On December 27, 2020 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:


On December 26, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions near Mennagh Airbase;

On December 26, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions near Ain Issa;

On December 26, the Turkish Army started building a wall on the Aleppo-Lattakia road in the area between the villages of Tarnaba and Al-Nairab;

On December 26, a SDF member was killed by an IED blast in the town of al-Shahil;

On December 27, the YPG internal security forces arrested three members of the SAA Air Force Intelligence in the Al-Wusta neighborhood of Qamishli city;

On December 26, the SDF reportedly killed and wounded 8 Turkish-backed militants near the villages of Tawila and Umm al-Kif.

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.12201670   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tensions Grow In Al-Qamishli Following Arrest Of Syrian Intelligence Officers By SDF Security Forces


Tensions are mounting in the northeastern Syrian city of al-Qamishli between government forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).


Late on December 26, the SDF security forces, commonly known as Asayish, arrested three officers of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Directorate. The arrest happened after a security operation by government forces, in which several members of the SDF and employees of its administration were taken into custody.


According to several sources, including the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, government security forces and Asayish units in al-Qamishli were placed on a high-alert following the arrests. Nevertheless, no clashes were reported.


“The Internal Security Forces [Asayish] dominates al-Qamishli city, although regime forces are stationed in several positions there,” the monitoring group said in a report.


The Russian Military Police, which maintains a large base at al-Qamishli Airport, intervened to prevent any escalation. Russian forces conducted a patrol inside the city.


In the past few years, limited clashes between government forces and Asayish boke out in al-Qamishli city on several occasions. In no case, however, the clashes developed into a real conflict.


The SDF, which relies on Russian and Damascus support to deter Turkish forces, will likely submit and release the Syrian intelligence officers very soon. A conflict in al-Qamishli will not likely end in favor of the Kurdish-led group.


SDF is an Israeli Kurd proxy

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.12202034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'908 Coalition' of bipartisan, bicameral lawmakers tell Trump to 'sign relief package or veto it immediately'


The group is named after the $908 billion coronavirus package.


A group of bipartisan and bicameral lawmakers, dubbing themselves the "908 Coalition," signed a public letter on Sunday, urging President Trump to sign a much-needed COVID-19 emergency relief package or "veto it immediately."


The letter, signed by eight U.S. Senators and two U.S. House members, comes after the president blindsided members of both parties with a demand for larger COVID relief checks, imperiling not only a massive package of economic and public-health assistance but the basic functions of government itself.


"Mr. President, we are asking you to please sign the emergency relief bill," read the letter from the "908 Coalition," named after the $908 billion coronavirus package. "This act will show your support for the American people who are in need of emergency lifelines like food, shelter, unemployment benefits and small business relief during these challenging times."


The coalition urged President Trump to formally veto the bill if he objects to it. Doing so, they say, will make his position clear, and "rejecting it quickly will allow those in favor to act before it is too late."


"Never before in your personal, professional, or political life have you been characterized as a man of inaction. Now is not the time to sit idly by – please do the right thing and sign or veto this bill immediately."


Later Sunday, President Trump tweeted that he had some "good news" pending on the COVID relief bill.


The COVID relief package passed with wide margins in the House and Senate and with the understanding of members of both parties that Trump supported it. The federal government will run out of money at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday if Trump refuses to sign the bill before as he spends the holidays in Florida.

Anonymous ID: 3e24f2 Dec. 27, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.12202145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump signs COVID relief, government funding bill


"Good news on Covid Relief Bill," President Trump tweeted Sunday evening. "Information to follow!"


sell out