Anonymous ID: 401743 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.12201586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1598 >>1606 >>1613 >>1623 >>1632 >>1699 >>2057 >>2061

>>12199151 pb


Donald Barr and the Relevant Dalton School Timeline


Part 1/5


Donald Barr, ex OSS, continued his education at Columbia for his master's degree, and then his Ph.D while having also worked at the school teaching English, field work in sociology, and political science at the School of Engineering, as well as writing science and mathematics texts for elementary and junior high school students.


In the 1950's, Schools started popping up in various places planted by the CIA, or at least programs in schools. One of the earliest ones was the private preparatory Antilles School founded in 1950 by Deborah Finch of St. Croix. The man who would be Jeffrey Epstein's attorney was one out of its first 13 students. Another was Michael Paiewonsky, the son of a mother who helped to found the school and who served on its board from 1953 to 1983. His family was active throughout the Virgin Islands in government and ran a publishing house both in St. Thomas and Rome. The ages of the students are from pre-k - 12th grade. In later years would be women and others involved with the school on St. Thomas, including board member Patricia Murphy Gruber, of the Peter & Patricia Gruber Foundation founded in 1993, who also contributed to campaign funds for New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson in 2007 where Epstein has his Zorro Ranch. Paul Horowitz was an Obama donor when he was the headmaster of the school. Another CIA school would be in the Vancouver area, a school attended by Obama's mother, whose parents were also CIA.


1953: Jeffrey Epstein was born and grew up in Coney Island, attending Lafayette High School in Brooklyn.


1955: D. Barrwas tasked with finding promising elementary and secondary science students, including girls, for advanced training.To this end, he developed the Science Honors Program, later supported by the National Science Foundation.


1956 to 1959: Barr became assistant to the dean of the School of Engineering, and for the next five years, was assistant dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences.


1958 until 1964: He was the director of the Columbia University Science Honors Program, the program gaining the support from the National Science Foundation.The program encompassed finding excellent students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade high schools, and entering them into university classes to receive training in the sciences.Whether Donald Barr was involved in the shadowy side of this or not, it is certain the CIA used this program to find young people to weaponize them. Wasn't this exactly what Epstein was known for? His fixation on science? Upon leaving the directorship, Donald Barr worked prepare young people in their own school settings.


1964 - 1973/74: Donald Barr became headmaster of Dalton until the end of the 1973 school year which ended in June, 1974, moving on to Hackley School in Tarrytown, New York. William Barr, Donald's son, was at this time in the CIA, starting in 1971.

Anonymous ID: 401743 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:50 p.m. No.12201598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1623 >>1632 >>2057

>>12199151 pb



Donald Barr and the Relevant Dalton School Timeline


Part 2/5


1969 - 1971: Epstein attended a few physics classes at Cooper Union, but received no degree, but that's because he was only 16 years old, and only a part time student at the college. What if Epstein took part in Donald Barr's new program for "promising science students for advanced training", and part of that program was to take courses in college without actually being a college student?


1971: Epstein next attended Courant Institute of NYU, taking courses in mathematical physiology of the heart, again, receiving no degree. He was only 17, and still of high school years.


Epstein had been hired at Dalton in the 1973/74 school year just before Donald had resigned as headmaster, and would start teaching in the next year's school session of 74/75. Though Epstein started teaching at Dalton at 21 in 1974, he had been hired when he was 20. He turned 21 in January of 1974, so he had been hired in the first part of that school year at the end of 1973. Barr was still headmaster when Epstein had been hired, as Barr finished his last year on June 7th after tendering his resignation in February, because he and the school trustees were at loggerheads. The conflict with Barr at Dalton was, for one, the board's decision to hire "an outside committee to study the school and to assess its operation under Mr. Barr". Supposedly, it was about "disputes with the trustees over budget priorities and his disciplinarian approach to substance abuse." Apparently, "a faction of the former board and some of the parents sought his ouster in 1971. He was accused then of turning a 'humanistic, progressive' school into one in which 'discipline and authoritarian rule' were the hallmarks." This would tend to question Barr having hired someone like Epstein, who purportedly had protested the hiring of Epstein. … rence.html … 1970s.html


What if Epstein, under the Columbia Program for "promising students", which had been originated and been first run by Barr, had been recruited out of that program by the CIA, and Dalton was his first test run? At Dalton, he would therefore have had a handler. We can't forget that Greenberg of Bear Stearns had children attending the school, who also hired Epstein to tutor them, and after Epstein left Dalton, Greenberg hired Epstein at his company. Was Greenberg perhaps blackmailed or bribed into hiring Epstein, and was Epstein let loose at Bear Stearns by the CIA for whatever operation they had going, which at that time was CIA arms and drug smuggling and money laundering?

Anonymous ID: 401743 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.12201613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1623 >>1632 >>2057

>>12199151 pb




Donald Barr and the Relevant Dalton School Timeline


Part 3/5


After Donald Barr left, Dalton wasn't able to find a successor for headmaster until Dec. of 1974, having spent 7 months searching among 200 or so applicants. They finally chose Dr. Gardner P. Dunnan. Under his tenure, Columbia conducted "research" (aka "experiment") with the students at Dalton. A wealthy donor, Emily Fisher Landau, gave over $2 million dollars to create the Fisher Landau learning disability program to research dyslexia, a problem she said she had, using the moneyto engage learning specialists at Dalton,with the aim of developing a screening test. Any guesses as to who these "specialists" were? Perhaps CIA?She then donated hundreds of thousands more to Columbia University Teacher's Collegeand New York University to evaluate this research having taken place over several years. The experiment sought to apply this on a large scale, nationally, and this is exactly what happened, despite the fact that the research was skewed with the higher IQ's the students at Dalton had, with the lack of a proper control as a true experiment would do, and no evidence of a positive remedy relative to dyslexia. Even Dunnan, during which this took place, said the legitimacy was suspect.Mrs. Landau hired Columbia U. to replicate the program,this despite NYU having found the children in the program scored lower in testing because the experiment foisted upon them "lowered their self-esteem". It was all a sham to cover what they were actually doing (for one): continuing to filter from among the students who were qualified applicants for the Columbia program. The children were being divided into three groups within each class setting, with the lowest of those scored being given "remedial" training. This, to the children, became the "special" kids, the "retards", setting that group of children up on the road to failure from the label they received. These children were labeled beginning in the Kindergarten stage, not taking into effect the variable speeds with which children learn, so that the "slow" ones at first, would eventually catch up with just a bit more maturity. However, this was not the concern of the the experiment. The true motive was to break down the class, as a micro society,in order to fundamentally change the traditional structure.The "elite" group of the three would be the leaders, the others the followers. The retraining for the change would be concentrated only on the "elite" group, motivated by the flattery of having been singled out for this group, and the remainder would follow their lead to gain acceptance. It was nothing more than brainwashing, and the class was an experiment to be used on larger society.The desired result was the destruction of the tradition of the society, to be replaced with the leadership trained in radical change. That's really what colleges have turned out to be! And the testing? Tests such as SATs do just that, they filter who the "elites" are so they can be recruited, and usually the first places of recruitment are the fraternities where these young people are connected to the experienced elites of society. At Dalton, this experiment was conducted during Dunnan's tenure. … -hand.html

Anonymous ID: 401743 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.12201623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632 >>2057

>>12199151 pb





Donald Barr and the Relevant Dalton School Timeline


Part 4/5


Epstein was to begin in 1974 and remained through 1976. Dunnan was chosen in Dec. of 1974, and began in Jan. of 1975 in the second semester. From the time Dunnan began, Epstein was still there for a year and a half,and the two had something in common,or even worse. In 2018 Dalton and Dunnan were named in a lawsuit relative to the sexual abuse of a 14 year old female student in 1986 through 1987. If this were the case, then he may have abused others throughout his term at Dalton, even before 1986. The school is also being sued because the plaintiff alleges the school knew Dunnan was a pedophile. The "girlfriend" of the girl's father worked at Dalton. They had asked Dunnan to help them enroll his daughter because they were not financially capable of doing so. Dunnan's solution was to allow her to live at his own home and she could assist with babysitting and chores for his wife. After he was forced to resign from Dalton, he moved on to assist at Columbia University, without pay, purportedly. At Columbia, he created an elite neighborhood for the Columbia faculty and their children. In order to pull this off, they arranged a re-zoning to house their little village, and for this, they promised the outside folks of surrounding neighborhoods they could have use of half the school's facilities, and also allowed 4 applicants of outside parents to live rent free and have their children enrolled for no tuition. The community had their own supermarket, bank, faculty apartments, and a school for the faculties children. This was nothing more than a larger form of the classroom microcosm, taken to neighborhood size. Even those protesting saw their scheme in that instance, where at a meeting, one of the head of several groups protesting said, Columbia is playing divide and conquer here". The four applicants entered via a lottery, but the "elites" and the tuition free applicants in this school at this village were all part of the experiment. After this, Dunnan moved on to establish an elite school in Chelsea, called Avenues: The World School. It is part of an international system.


Based on this Columbia University spoopery, if this scenario were true, Epstein, was not only a product of the Program, but a weaponized faculty member, an agent of this CIA program whose mission it was to ensure the school's part in their experiment, perhaps to first corrupt its faculty and headmaster. The CIA is known for using p e d o p h i l i a to entrap and to manipulate, to put in place their program of "fundamentally changing tradition" globally. … rth-2019-7

Anonymous ID: 401743 Dec. 27, 2020, 4:52 p.m. No.12201632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1842 >>2057

>>12199151 pb






Donald Barr and the Relevant Dalton School Timeline


Part 5/5


For a bonus, Anderson Cooper attended Dalton from 1972when Barr was still headmaster, until 1984, graduating early at 17. Cooper had joined in Kindergarten, before the later experiment for "dyslexia" under Dunnan, towards the later years of Donald's tenure, but Cooper was not only there during Epstein's tenure, he was also right in the midst of things during the subsequent experiments under Dunnan's tenure. Anderson went on to Yale, studying in political science, and During two summers while in college, Cooper interned at the CIA. This isn't surprising given the Columbia experiment at Dalton while Cooper attended. He had been recruited.He now is a "journalist" at CNN, where there, they "divide and conquer", exactly as the experiment of that Program that had run at Dalton.CNN is a PROPAGANDA machine FOR THE CIA to fundamentally change society globally.


1980's: Donald Barr continued teaching, and in 1983, President Reagan nominated him as a member of the newly formed National Council on Educational Research. Reagan had appointed George Roche Chair of the Council, at that time the president of Hillsdale College.