Anonymous ID: fc2a6e Dec. 27, 2020, 5:04 p.m. No.12201831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is why I believe we have been locked in, locked down, masked & vax scared. [They] do hate all of us. [They] know POTUS had an unbelievable Red Wave in Nov… That means We the People all voted for him & we are being punished for doing just that. If some dem voters get swept up in the lock down punishment, too bad. {They] don't like those voters either because really to [them], we all are no moar than cattle, sheep, deplorables. We keep messing up [their] plans for a re-set dammit! So not only do they hate all of us for being in their way, they hate us because we all voted POTUS in for 4 moar years which means we fucked up their plans, their cover, their money, their secrets, their high living on the Hogg & for punishment [they] are trying to break our spirit, our souls, our living, our security, our independence, our freedom, our spirituality, our pocketbooks, our future & our childrens' future. When I listen to any of [them] pleading for us to be responsible & think of others besides our selfish selves, I think it's so familiar to what a parent or a teacher punishing a child for not doing as [they] say not as [they] do says. We are being punished!