Is this image real? Did this dumb fucking cunt actually fall for the trap?
Him and every single Israeli government official (including the diaper wearing JIDF) are now sterile. Every single subverter will never be able to produce offspring ever again. I'M SO FUCKING PUMPED
Gal Godat is a very ugly woman, with a very small head
I prefer them attractive and not an ugly Israeli bitch
No not really. Her genes, her face, her caveman like skull, her disgusting skeleton body, and general inorganic and nepotistic rise to fame are more important. And her ugliness
See that's a real woman
A good anon posts a bewb pic in a resolution higher than a thumbnail
English, Pablo
What's your problem bro? You didn't actually take the vaccine did you?
Pics of this crazy cunt are going to give me a belly button fetish, and I don't need that in my life
No I'm not jewish, I have a normal sized dick that God intended. Do you know what a "slide" is?
The vaccine they took is fucking with their brains. Won't be long now kek
You mean the nation that won't be able to birth children anymore? Sterilization, sterilization everywhere
It's when you had a really good workout that day
>quad is a made up word
Can the twitter newfags please go back?