smoke moar dope
fuking so many anons are hopeless
smoke moar dope
fuking so many anons are hopeless
POTUS CITED section A in his signing message
he left out section 5b which makes it clear it is up to congress
2 U.S. Code ยง 683 - Rescission of budget authority
U.S. Code
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(a)Transmittal of special message
Whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons (including the termination of authorized projects or activities for which budget authority has been provided), or whenever all or part of budget authority provided for only one fiscal year is to be reserved from obligation for such fiscal year, the President shall transmit to both Houses of Congress a special message specifyingโ
(1)the amount of budget authority which he proposes to be rescinded or which is to be so reserved;
(2)any account, department, or establishment of the Government to which such budget authority is available for obligation, and the specific project or governmental functions involved;
(3)the reasons why the budget authority should be rescinded or is to be so reserved;
(4)to the maximum extent practicable, the estimated fiscal, economic, and budgetary effect of the proposed rescission or of the reservation; and
(5)all facts, circumstances, and considerations relating to or bearing upon the proposed rescission or the reservation and the decision to effect the proposed rescission or the reservation, and to the maximum extent practicable, the estimated effect of the proposed rescission or the reservation upon the objects, purposes, and programs for which the budget authority is provided.
(b)Requirement to make available for obligation
Any amount of budget authority proposed to be rescinded or that is to be reserved as set forth in such special message shall be made available for obligation unless, within the prescribed 45-day period, the Congress has completed action on a rescission bill rescinding all or part of the amount proposed to be rescinded or that is to be reserved. Funds made available for obligation under this procedure may not be proposed for rescission again.
prolly wont even be water and a sanikan
the spending STAYS unless congress rescinds within 45 days of the special message
which in this case 45 days from now could be very different situation
lets all hope it is
hold for 45 days
then it spends unless congress changes it
lets hope that 45 days at this point in history means something
no congress passed a law and potus signed it
we got 1200 not 600
ER powers are huge yes but dont give potus control over a Budget
perhaps in some minor way it does but not to stop this pork wagon
i was baffled when it first came on
but that wut it is
ps - not saying its not a real frequency noise some people (inc me) pick up but its not that according to the docs
look it up its got a list of causes
im sick of you know nothing faggots
read the fucking LAW potus cited
section 5b he left out
see theword REQUIREMENT?
now fuk off and here
(b)Requirement to make available for obligation
Any amount of budget authority proposed to be rescinded or that is to be reserved as set forth in such special message shall be made available for obligation unless, within the prescribed 45-day period, the Congress has completed action on a rescission bill rescinding all or part of the amount proposed to be rescinded or that is to be reserved. Funds made available for obligation under this procedure may not be proposed for rescission again.
well fwiw i hope you are right
laws dont mean much any more
but the one potus cited makes it clear
congress calls the ball
not potus
whether other factors carry the day who knows
its periodic/episodic for many not constant
could be muhschumann for all i know tho
but i got it off and on
mostly wakes me up 4-5 am
sorry anon
i cited the law from potus letter inc the provision he left out which makes it clear there is no such thing as a red line veto
got a lot of shit and denials
done posting on that now
prolly makes no difference in the big outcome
poker is ebil kek