I believe Trump believes he will have 45 days to force congress to revoke the garbage spending with a new congress. relevant language excerpt from below "unless Congress rescinds the amounts at issue, they must be made available for obligation." Trump invoked the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 and the relevant language from the GAO https://www.gao.gov/products/B-330330 is as follows: An "impoundment" is any action or inaction by an officer or employee of the federal government that precludes obligation or expenditure of budget authority. The President has no unilateral authority to impound funds. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) allows the President to impound funds when he transmits a "special message" in accordance with the ICA. Upon sending the message, amounts proposed for rescission (that is, for permanent cancellation) may be impounded for a period of 45 days of continuous congressional session. At issue here is whether the ICA allows such an impoundment for fixed-period appropriations expiring during this 45-day period to continue through the date on which the funds would expire. We conclude that the ICA does not permit the impoundment of funds through their date of expiration. The plain language of the ICA permits only the temporary withholding of budget authority and provides that unless Congress rescinds the amounts at issue, they must be made available for obligation. Amounts proposed for rescission must be made available for prudent obligation before the amounts expire, even where the 45-day period provided in the ICA approaches or spans the date on which funds would expire.
my point is he knows congress will look far different in 45 legislative days than it does now and they will do the right thing. Pelosi Schumer and others will be gone.
Cause for celebration if you can read between the lines
yes they do - your point?