Dubs chek't
If your premise is true, then you're here to kick people when they're down. What a putrid faggot you must be.
Do you know what a Dusty Finish is anon?
Hmmm. The navy's west coast sub base is in the area. China would think that is a tasty target.
See shitpost about dead guy pretending to be another dead guy. Kek quietly.
Be forced to prepare your own meals I guess.
He sure has been trying hard to look like a good boy.
Hillary stroking out from the stress though would save the normies from having to deal with frazzl.drip though. What's on that vid would send a lot of people to the hospital even though we pretty much know what's on it.
Hory Sheet. I just got a (you) from E-bot.
Kek. So did Roger Stone. Which means Pence is seperated from Alex Jones by 4 degrees.
It goes back farther than that anon. All of the 'oldfags' around here forget the Great Meme War of 2016, which led directly to HWNDU. HWNDU proved nothing was beyond the reach of anons. That is what garnered Q's attention. When Q first met the anons, it went a little like this. Video related.
Two tankers heading westbound. Both dropped off the screen before I could finish getting the info.
Correction. Heading eastbound.
Consider this possibility;
Pence is first arrest, necessitating Trump to pick a new VP. Who would be the perfect VP for Trump? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Who's the only man who can realistically hold this populist movement together? Who can carry Trump's mantle beyond 2024?
Gerald Ford did. Nelson Rockerfeller. No questions asked.
It seems like everyone here claims to have been on /pol/ for Q's first drop. Some of us /b/tards took awhile to drift in.
My point is the UID count on /pol/ that night says there are a lot of stolen valor (anon type) around here these days.