[TRANSMII/2SSION INBOUND] - The Mysterious Tweeting Diplomat
>Former ambassador of Canada to Ukraine
>Has retweeted CUCC
>Now he is saying this cryptic shit
>I have found facebook photos for the Canadian embassy of Ukraine from 2017 that put this guy in the same room as the CUCC president, Zenon Potoczny, in the same month as Zenon's company, Zhoda, had its oil extraction license renewed in Poltova Oblast.
>Two weeks later he is meeting with the governor of Poltova (photos on fb)
>2019, President Poroshenko pulls the governor of Poltova out of office and a corruption investigation begins.
>2 weeks later, Poroshenko is no longer president.
QRD - I've presented evidence to suggest that Dominion Voting Systems is at least partially owned through Ukraine. The problem is figuring out who is ripping off who? Did the Ukrainians want Trump to get elected? Or did they want Biden to get elected?
Well, check out his twitter and decide for yourself.
DO NOT ENGAGE, you are in recon mode. Not all of the important information has been retrieved and archived. They will destroy evidence if they know you are looking. It has already begun
This is a Dominion dig, boys. Remember, Zhoda is connected to Dominion through the 2007 Quebec filing. Oil/natural gas licenses are for 20 years so 2017 was the first time Zhoda EVER had to get it renewed.
Thanks to all of the anons who have archived the work so far.
Here's what I found from the facebook page
But here's the primer document. Go to the other site if you want the sources
And I've drawn up a flowchart that shows the ownership of the Kashtan Joint Venture, plus Zhoda and includes the connection to Dominion
Here's a collage of a few photos I have of Zenon for identification since he wasn't labelled in the facebook posts
I'll self bump for a while in case there is anyone who has been following along with this lead. I'm getting strong signals that this is tied to the Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA).
When Trump came into office, there was concern in this partnership that the United States would be pulling out of NAFTA. So what Ukrainian industries started doing is shipping to Canada, modifying commodities, THEN exporting to the United states.