Anonymous ID: 6651ef Dec. 27, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.12205751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5785

[TRANSMII/2SSION INBOUND] - The Mysterious Tweeting Diplomat

>Former ambassador of Canada to Ukraine

>Has retweeted CUCC

>Now he is saying this cryptic shit

>I have found facebook photos for the Canadian embassy of Ukraine from 2017 that put this guy in the same room as the CUCC president, Zenon Potoczny, in the same month as Zenon's company, Zhoda, had its oil extraction license renewed in Poltova Oblast.

>Two weeks later he is meeting with the governor of Poltova (photos on fb)

>2019, President Poroshenko pulls the governor of Poltova out of office and a corruption investigation begins.

>2 weeks later, Poroshenko is no longer president.


QRD - I've presented evidence to suggest that Dominion Voting Systems is at least partially owned through Ukraine. The problem is figuring out who is ripping off who? Did the Ukrainians want Trump to get elected? Or did they want Biden to get elected?


Well, check out his twitter and decide for yourself.


DO NOT ENGAGE, you are in recon mode. Not all of the important information has been retrieved and archived. They will destroy evidence if they know you are looking. It has already begun


This is a Dominion dig, boys. Remember, Zhoda is connected to Dominion through the 2007 Quebec filing. Oil/natural gas licenses are for 20 years so 2017 was the first time Zhoda EVER had to get it renewed.


Thanks to all of the anons who have archived the work so far.



Here's what I found from the facebook page

But here's the primer document. Go to the other site if you want the sources

And I've drawn up a flowchart that shows the ownership of the Kashtan Joint Venture, plus Zhoda and includes the connection to Dominion

Here's a collage of a few photos I have of Zenon for identification since he wasn't labelled in the facebook posts

I'll self bump for a while in case there is anyone who has been following along with this lead. I'm getting strong signals that this is tied to the Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA).


When Trump came into office, there was concern in this partnership that the United States would be pulling out of NAFTA. So what Ukrainian industries started doing is shipping to Canada, modifying commodities, THEN exporting to the United states.

Anonymous ID: 6651ef Dec. 27, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.12205785   🗄️.is 🔗kun


article is from November 24, 2016. Around 3 months before renewal on the Lelyaki license.

Roman Waschuk (the fucker who is tweeting) was the Canadian Ambassador to Serbia 2011-2014

And let me try and lay out the timeline of what's going on in

>In 2007, Dominion Voting Systems filed paperwork in Quebec.

>Also in 2007 Zenon Potoczny bought this oil field in Ukraine from a company in Canada.

>The address of that company appears on the Quebec filing that Dominion made.

>After the fall of the USSR, Ukraine had to figure out what its economy was going to look like. So they let a bunch of foreign companies flood into the country and start working all of the old Soviet infrastructure that was left over.

>That includes this oil field that Zenon bought. In 1996, the Ukrainian government drew up a 20 year license for people to be allowed to operate the oil field.

>So 20 years later, in 2017, Zenon owns this oil field and needs to get this license renewed. That happened in February 2017.

>3 of those photos were taken in February 2017 and have Zenon in them at some sort of mixer. Those facebook posts come from the page of the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine.

>2 weeks later, the Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine, who was also at that mixer, meets with the governor of the area where this oil field is located.

>2 years later, the Ukrainian President Poroshenko dismisses this governor amid allegations of corruption.

>As you'll recall, Poroshenko also dismissed another government employee some years prior, a prosecutor named Victor Shokin.

>The now former Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine is tweeting weird shit about the 2020 presidential election.

>It's suspicious as fuck.

Here are the licenses on a map of Ukraine, retrieved from Zhoda's website -

No kidding. (pic related)


>The speculation is pointless without compelling proof regarding the loyalties of these players in Ukraine.


The problem with the research I provided earlier is that it failed to give any direct indication of MOTIVE. That is maybe starting to come together now. I had a conversation with some Ukr-anon-ians a few weeks ago that suggested that older Ukrainians living in Canada tended to have stronger feelings of loyalty towards Russia, which would shit the bed of any argument suggesting that the related parties wanted Ukraine to be more open to western markets. Now it's clear this Leaf diplomat is much more of a Trudeau kind of guy. What the hell does "Self-irony" mean exactly?

>lindsay graham is treasonous cunt

See section titled [ Shcherbak pleased… ]

>Well it would be kind of embarrassing if it turned out that they cheated for him and he still lost.


At this point, I'm just tired of being jerked around. I haven't seen anything that would cause me to believe that Trump was involved in any shady shit in Eastern Europe at all. He seems to have been fairly ad hoc and maybe even a bit reckless with his approach to Russia, but this guy is a fucking populist. If the Democrats were serious about leads on his corruption, they would leak the Black Ledger in its entirety. Not doing so, to my thinking, is a fairly strong indicator that there are libshit names on it.


Isn't it odd that the DNC was actively trying to get the Republican nomination to Trump in 2016, and the person that they nailed for fraud in Ukraine, Manafort, was his CAMPAIGN MANAGAER?

mkay, do you know if they process gas from Crimea?

Anonymous ID: 6651ef Dec. 27, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.12205814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

>The official owner is a guy named Zenon Potoczny. He is a Canadian Ukrainian who has worked in oil and natural gas in Ukraine since the 1990s.


>He bought Lelyaki in 2007 from another company in Canada. That company was working out of an address that shows up on some papers.


>Those papers show that someone, in that office, OWNED a piece of Dominion Voting Systems.


Your little village might be where the United States got taken over by oligarchs

I'm very sorry for being ignorant. Yes I am interested in Hunter. Right now I am more interested in Canada and Ukraine relations and trade.


So, in case I have gotten confused, is this map showing the Lelyakah that we're talking about?

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

>The official owner is a guy named Zenon Potoczny. He is a Canadian Ukrainian who has worked in oil and natural gas in Ukraine since the 1990s.


>He bought Lelyaki in 2007 from another company in Canada. That company was working out of an address that shows up on some papers.


>Those papers show that someone, in that office, OWNED a piece of Dominion Voting Systems.


Your little village might be where the United States got taken over by oligarchs



Anon from Ukraine has just gone nuclear and doesn't even realize it.


>Lelyaki/Lelyakah has been 45% owned by Zhoda 2001 Corporation since 1999.

>That company was located at 444 5th Ave S.W., Suite 1840 Calgary, Alberta T2P 2T8 in January 2007.

>That address is on the articles of Incorporation for DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS CORPORATION in Quebec, filed on January 23, 2007

>Anon has said that Lelyaki is owned by Ihor Kolomoisky.

>Ihor Kolomoisky is a corrupt oligarch who has laundered money through and from Ukraine for ages.

>Kolomoisky lost his bank in 2016 when it was nationalized by Ukraine.

>This faggot is most likely a broker for corrupt DNC people.

Goddamnit here



I don't know how to ask you this. I need to know if Kolomoisky has been the unofficial owner of Lelyaki since 2007.

Anonymous ID: 6651ef Dec. 27, 2020, 10:13 p.m. No.12205832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well fuck me sideways with a lunchbox it's fucking true

Let me stress -- CONTRACT PARTNERS


20 year license. Privatbank started out in the mid 90s and was, supposedly, Kuchima loyal. These fuckers have been in bed this whole time.

Yes. The Kashtan JV was started in 1996, though. A Canadian named Ed Southern went to Ukraine and made a deal to restart Lelyaki. That's when the first license was given. Lelyaki was split between Ed Southern and Ukragazprom (I think), which would eventually become Ukrnafta. I think Kolomoisky owned something like 42% of Ukrnafta. He was there from the beginning. Does this sound right?

And that's the whole point. There was a major gas dispute in Ukraine in 2008. Russia shut down the natural gas lines. Russia wants to keep selling its natural gas and the EU doesn't want for Russia to be able to shut down the lines for political leverage.

If you'll buy a story from Gateway pundit. I'll look for another source.

lol, how about Washington Post?