>>12204003 (PB)
>your official story re Nashville sucks the big one. Only retards are going to believe that pile of shit, just like the retards that believed Vegas. FUCK YOU….some dude asleep in his RV gets BTFO when the explosion sets off his propane tanks (20 pound tanks, at most 2 of those). Perfect fucking Patsy init?
>Maybe it would be a better idea to stop fucking LYING about everything.
>BELOW ground level. There's NO RV in this…so you got intel on a bomb / threat and start hunting the area around the FUCKING NSA/AT&T shit…kindly blaring a message to evacuate and running bomb sniffing dogs…like the one seen crossing the street in THIS video (note that the explosion was around the corner UNDER GROUND hence the blown out basement/ground floor stuff) is the same man stopping to talk to cop moments before the explosion with his German Shepard.
>Blown out below/ground level and german shepard man crosses street–a little too calm for a civilian that just experienced a massive explosion.
>german shepard man talks to cop
>There's no RV in the first video, and you've been trying to pass a box truck off as a RV in one video ….how convenient you cut each "released video" so it's impossible to see the box truck is just fine and the explosion takes place to the walking black cops right, and not a single video has a location on it.
>First video secondary explosion and gun shots. Do you fucking think we're stupid? (ok well some are…you're enforcers are doing a pretty good job bucking up your fucking lies on message boards)
>Where is all the surveillance video with address? Where is anything showing an RV? Do you fuckers have a "patsy drawer" where you pull out some poor fag and blame him? The man was probably asleep in his RV in town to visit relatives..the RV in his drive is NOT the RV you fuckers showed on street cam…and ever RVlifer is probably traveling for holidays and too tall to fit parking garages they park one place for a few hours, grab some sleep, wake, and move. PROOF? Oh, how about the RVer doing the exact same thing in Cincinnati? Find a quiet street little traffic in a more industrial commercial type area, park, sleep, wake, move. I knew it would be HIS body when they said human remains were found. YOU FUCKERS LITERALLY blaming a man murdered in his sleep. FUCK you and your fucking bullshit lies. Your fucking "bombs" set off his propane tanks and he died instantly.
>Nice job getting people to post "photos" of the area. You must have forgotten to wipe out the first posts…like the one here showing the windows blown OUT. Ya'll been blowing up a lot of shit here lately……chink drones, houses in MI, NSA shit….that's quite the crater init? you probably should have planted a few f-16 crash craters doncha think?
It would appear RemoteViewAnon was correct.
"Now, amateur videos released on social media tell a different story and offer more perspective.
A wider shot of the scene, from a camera not blinded by the light, shows an apparent drone strike sending a missile directly into the AT&T headquarters across the street from the RV. Obviously, the vehicle was completely destroyed in the strike, but it is clear from the following video that the RV did not detonate any explosives.
Video: https://redpilled.ca/nashville-false-flag-videos-show-apparent-missile-strike-targeting-att-nashville-hq-across-the-street-from-parked-rv-aerial-footage-reveals-missile-chemtrail-video-evidence/
So this makes the 2nd drone attack. Indeed, RVAnon, when will they stop lying to us?