>>12205996 lb
I definitely dont not agree
And yes, the double negative is intended for reasons
Who better to bring it than God himself
Through many ways, but certain people have and are being prepared for their specific tasks
It's not all about physical reality, but it is to a degree in regards to "normies" and the parts they'll see
Imagine finding one aspect of something and deciding to stop there because you think you've got it figured out
Sad really
Evil is darker and craftier than you're giving it credit
Never underestimate your enemy
If you do your pride will be your downfall
What if I told you the book of revelation, and most all of the bible, is more allegorical than literal
It has aspects of both, but heavily leans towards allegory overall
Multi dimensional, but requires wisdom and knowledge very very few currently posses well enough to begin to comprehend it
Just something to ponder on
Not saying I definitely know, but seems highly likely
Wow, you seem to lack the ability to even try to comprehend what I wrote
Nice of you to try, though
Never said you were completely wrong
There is something to it, but not as much as you may like.
You're at a very base level, ego filled, reactive level of thinking apparently
Happens to us all at one point or another
Hope you expand your thinking before long
Depth takes work
Turning away from God for a bit brings a heavy price to pay, but is almost necessary to gain knowledge and wisdom to a new level
Dark night of the soul type journey
Not for most, but worth the pain and struggles once you find your way back
Would definitely consider it likely tbh
Zoroastrianism and the old testament have a lot in common
I do need to look deeper into it, but have a general understanding atm
You reacted to what I said rather than think and give a decent answer or thought
Maybe you should face the truth
Am I now
Or is that your reaction instead of thinking and coming up with reasons I may be wrong and presenting them
I'm more than open to being wrong. That's part of growing is presenting thoughts and accepting well thought out input from God and others
Nice one
I dont really understand what you're going for yet, but I like the way you think
That's for sure
Take a bit further look into Christianity. It was a more deep and wisdom focused thing a while back
It has been watered down in the interpretations since making it more of a control mechanism than a study of God
Infiltration, in conjunction with the canal numbering the whole down will do that over long periods of time
I am a Christian, I just have a decent IQ and a desire to understand God better than is currently taught
It gets deeper than just this, and this is only one version of different thought paths, but give it a shot sometime and see what you think. Perhaps look into the guy himself instead of the video, but it makes it easier to digest
Dudeโฆ you're the one avoiding and moving what I said into wherever you want to rather than addressing what I said
That's a lefty tactic
Righty too as some are now coming to see, but saying lefty will probably catch you a bit better
Allegories do line up with His word
That's the entire pointโฆ
It's just deeper understanding of connections it makes overall
I've bee thinking about where he gets all that money from
Came up with a few different scenarios, but idfk
He must have a decent bit, though
I'm not here to argue. I'm here for learning and batting around ideas based on the bible and and God.
I'm weak in most senses, and never called you condescending. But I do think you're reacting rather that considering and thinking about it. I'm open to being wrong, but you haven't presented any decent reason as to why
God is deeper and more complex than most imagine currently. works in mysterious ways as well
I dont understand where you think this isnt something God has given me. Rather bold assumption to be quite honest. I didnt call you condescending before, but am now
You're right, we are done here. youre so deep into the matrix they've put you in that it's sad. Never addressed anything I said, just attacked me. Manโฆ I'll pray for you. You need to take a step back and take a look at your massive ego, though
You are. Until you realize a few things out of the posts. Expanded thinking. Multi dimensional
Itll send you on a wild ride that's hard to imagine
This is bigger than yours think
Biblical tbh
You can discuss without arguing lol
Definitely stealing that meme. Matches a few others I have
No drinks or anything else, though
I already said good day.
Sucks cause I wouldn't mind talking about this, but still doesn't address what I originally posted that got your panties in a wad.
You already went down a trail of reactions instead of discussion, sooooโฆ
Why you gotta tempt me like thatโฆ
I'm cool with flying by most tits here, but always had a thing for Cas
Appreciate the training, but 330? Again?
I guess we really cant sleep, and I'm only part way thereโฆ..
Point taken
Just been a long few months, but especially this last week or 2
I can complain a bit though, right lol
Just a bit
You essentially read my mind lol