Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 3:39 a.m. No.1221105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1173





Thanks for those words! I'm trusting the plan with all my heart, but seeing you offer some words of comfort to us sappy concernfags at last is heartwarming!


Also, I'm finally starting to understand a bit about what's going on here.


First, we are given info mixed with disinfo, because the enemies are intercepting the comms. The correct attitude is to expand our thinking and ENJOY THE SHOW as Q keeps saying, not to invest ourselves emotionally in the latest theory of what the crumbs might mean! That only leads to disappointment and loss of heart. I have sinned in this regard myself in the past, but I know better now!


Second, team Q aren't only concerned with taking down the cabal, they're also concerned with not destroying the republic they're sworn to protect in the process. It would be EASY AS FUCK for the military to just sweep in and kill the evil fuckers! It would be no problem whatsoever for them to just seize control in a coup and administer justice by their own rules. But if they did, the republic would effectively be dead afterwards. Think about it!


Q and POTUS want to see the end of this as much as we do, but they are handling this very difficult op as responsible adults, and for that I thank them!

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.1221136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1146 >>1231


>urantia idiots think they have have all the answers. Try having your life destroyed and threatened by corruption. Your light isn't going to make a bit of difference when they are burning your house down.


Actually, it does!


Being filled with "light" (a positive attitude of hope and joy and love) will make all the difference in the world when they are burning your house down! You'll roll with the punches much better, and you'll bounce back on your feet much faster.


That house of yours is still gonna be toast though.

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.1221187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1191 >>1192 >>1208 >>1245


>People are not stupid, just deceived, and when they realize it, they are pissed.




As Q said, only 3-6 % are brainwashed beyond saving, the rest will come around. And when they do, they'll be pissed as fuck.


We must remember there was a time when each and every one of us was still asleep! I was a leftist in my youth, because I drank the coolaid. It's embarrassing to think back on how I plastered stickers about boycotting South Africa all over the town.


Now I know Nelson Mandela was a terrorist bomber, and ANC was a bunch of especially ruthless communist thugs who would proceed to ruin the nation, after having murdered all opposition with necklacing. But at the time I believed the Saint Mandela narrative with all my heart!


I was a brainwashed fool at one point, but I wisened up, and then I got pissed. Every one of us is the same in this regard, autists and normies alike, normies are just a little behind the curve.

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:04 a.m. No.1221190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1194 >>1216


>181 days of following, closing in on 1000 hours of contributing, almost 30 notables, three of them huge (everybody knows them or uses them], a stickied thread, and no (youl).


Aaaw… Have a (you) mate, your hard work is much appreciated!

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.1221224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1252


>muh evil aliens


I hear you bro…


There are people walking around on this Earth that are not humans. They look exactly like humans on the outside, but their soul is different. A normal human has a soul that basically wants to do good. These ones are the complete opposite, they only want to do evil!


They're actually very few! I've only encountered them IRL a handful of times. It's a terrifying experience. They have some form of hypnotic powers that makes them able to dominate almost all humans with their aura, making everyone serve them and admire them and obey them. I'm one of the very few who are immune, I see them for what they are.


And when I "unmask" them by opposing them in the view of others, the "spell" is broken, and others can suddenly see it too. This makes everyone freeze in terror, because realizing you have an actual living demon in front of you is a great chock!


When I unmask these critters, their mind domination is broken, and there's nothing they can do to regain control. So they quickly leave the scene. Afterwards, people come up and thank me as if I'm their personal Jesus Motherfucking Christ or something.


The sad thing is, they can only be unmasked if they are physically in the same room. I can't tell from people on the TV if they're demonic or not, and I can't unmask them unless the person under their spell is in their aura.

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:19 a.m. No.1221234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, there's much more info than disinfo. But we still can't tell which is which, so we need to chill and enjoy the show, not get invested in a certain crumb to the point where we get pissed and leave if it turns out to be a dud.

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:27 a.m. No.1221258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260 >>1286 >>1290


Yup. I'm still a leftist at heart, but since the political left has been turned into a den of evil I'm hanging with the "far right" crowd instead.


The thing is, left and right are just two perspectives, both are valid, both are needed. All of us are drawn more to one or the other, but we need to respect the other side and find common ground.


Under normal circumstances. ATM the political left is satanic, and needs to be taken down, simple as that.

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:30 a.m. No.1221265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1269 >>1273 >>1293


Nope. These ones are "serpents". Their aura is completely different, and they have telepathic powers of mind domination. One of these fuckers enters a room, and all humans become his MIND SLAVES.


All but a few of us who are immune to the effect, for whatever reason. I don't think I'm superior in any way, I just think I have some kind of brain deficiency and lack the brain lobe they use to take control.

Anonymous ID: 25e7ba April 28, 2018, 4:34 a.m. No.1221276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK, I will.


All I'm telling you is, the effect is real, these people do exist. Some people speak of "shapeshifting lizard aliens" with telepathic powers, and the shoe certainly fits - this is exactly how these people feel!


But there can of course be some other explanation.