Um, so have we been sold up the river with this junk spending bill?
Precipice? Are you fucking retarded? What level of hopium addiction does someone have to reach to wake up.
You sound like those twitter dumbfucks telling us this is actually a good thing.
I mean, there is no limit to this foolishness. This government needs to be dismantled and re-constituted.
He actually signed a death warrant on the insurrection act, ffs man, wake up.
Who writes hopium pretending to sound like Q.
He signed a bill that criminalizes memes, fuck head. What does that have to do with funding anything?
Come on man, at what point do you realize we're being setup?
Streaming content not a federal offense? What better way to criminalize millions of us for disarmament?
Sure buddy… tell me what I am missing because I am all out of logic right now