Things are becoming clearer.
Flags change.
I just brightened up the one being used now. :) Too dark
Now that you mention itโฆโฆ
Trump Time Travel Series
Fake and Ghey, don't insult our intelligence.
For the crime of treason against the United States of America, we ask that the federal government allow as a means of execution, the feeding of any guilty persons to lions in a colloseum of classical Roman architecture, which may be named the Donald Trump Freedom Colloseum of Final Accountability, and which must seat no less than 100,000 people. Visitor access shall follow existing legislature for federally owned and operated public buildings. Events may be televised.
Parasites got the Toga wearers!!
HOPPED like a bunny,.
omg KEK
Did baker just notable something wtf?
Goes for bowl..
Same, for being stupid and taking a vaccine.
What is a Qanon?
>COVID-19 is the flu and the common cold. It's a mirage, it doesn't exist.
Pretty much this.
The FLU is a collective yawning by cell tissue, detoxing. Releasing exosomes that Freemason Science has labeled Virus!.
4chan guys? You're on 8kun image board Fren.