this is the 2024 ticket, after Trump's second term
Big Mike!! is that you?
sorry about that! well, we all share a b-day cuz mike and me, we wuz born the very same day….and we are still the same, except i don't wear dresses
Ken Matthews' daily show at 3pm on WHP 580 radio is a top shelf local show ; of course, he won't be on today because of the fill-in for Rush, but worth dialing up every day….in that time spot live Savage used to be in
we went over already, and in free-fall currently
ok,,,,those little drone like toy things…but these big ones look deadly!
did you forget your parachute?
i never went anywhere…..didn't need to play along the whole time
right… not confuse need with want
we got to make it fun again…..this serious shit is eating my soul away
everyone has their different area of 'cracking up"
always member, and never forget……that…..(see file name) ; now….back to life…back to reality