It's not fear. It is simply what the evidence available strongly suggests. Trump being a good man, an extremely skilled and determined man, does not mean he is going to win. The world elite, which have maintained and strengthened their position for a long time are also smart and determined. They got to where they are for a reason. Trump is simply outnumbered and outgunned. It's not that I don't "believe" in Trump. Trump made it farther than any man in history in fighting the people who have taken over this country. It simply wasn't enough. You should have realized when his own SCOTUS turned on him it was over. If that didn't convince you, then the treason of McConnell and the other republicans should have. Trump can't win without powerful allies. He failed to consolidate enough power over the last 4 years. The betrayal we are witnessing should be proof positive that our government is an entirely corrupt uniparty, with both sides working for the same people. I'm glad that is coming out. It wont keep Trump in office though.
Just remember for all of you who still believe- Trump's SCOTUS appointees were recommended to him by the same people who recommended Pence.
Q team was not a fraud at all. It was a team of propagandists working for Trump that successfully educated a lot of Americans on the big picture of how our country is owned and operated, with a lot of exaggeration, suggestion, and bullshit thrown in. Q probably played a big supporting role in Trump winning more legal votes then any candidate in American history. Sadly, it wasn't enough.
He wasn't able to make much use of his tailor made SCOTUS was he?
I understand you are mad. Instead of embracing denial however, start thinking about how you will actually cope with the great reset and other assorted fun that is coming. If you want to avoid slavery, sickness and death, you may find that the people will ultimately have to do more than vote and pray.
Not just the CJ. All three of his appointees failed to take up the fraud case. Thomas and Alito are the only unowned members of the court.
Are you guys retarded? I assume you believe the Q op was run by the good guys. In what way would your characterization of Q differ from mine?
America was doing great under Trump before the virus. Relatively speaking anyway. You have seen first hand the betrayal of Trump from all aspects of the republican government, from the courts, to the congress to the military. What exactly do you think he should have done, that he had the power to do? He did the best he could. The corruption was simply too deep. I do think he should be declassifying everything from Vegas to 9/11 to JFK to Ayys before he leaves, but he is probably trying to use declassification as a leverage tool right now. Hopefully once he accepts the loss he will declassify as much as possible.
Again, how? Trump does not control any aspect of government at this point. Roberts will be fine, as will all the other traitors on the court.
Yeah probably true for some. Bribery and blackmail was probably sufficient for most. You know that crying bitch Kavanaugh wasn't going to stand up to threats against his family. Not sure I see your point though.
When the entire system is corrupt, you can't just bring in an outsider to run the DOJ and expect the comped high level underlings to listen to them. Trump became the CEO of a company where the investors that owned the company, the middle management, the CFO, COO, and half of the customers and public stockholders wanted him gone. It's not so easy to turn things around in that sort of scenario. Impossible really. As the last few weeks have proven.
Trump already ruled out martial law (probably because he lacked the necessary military support to do it). The few that support him in military and intelligence leadership are a minority. Trump's team thought that they could gradually turn more of the comped military and political leadership over to Trump's side as his presidency progressed and his position became stronger, and thought they could replace some of them too. They were wrong.
Your post is from more than 3 years ago. Whatever the plan was then, it was thwarted.
It's not great. It's really terrible. Hard times are coming. I am trying to get some people to accept that so we can discuss what to do moving forward. Free speech on the internet is not going to last much longer.
Sounds good. Do you have a plan on how to smash the computer and replace it? A pretty impressive guy just tried to do it politically, but it didn't work out. Ideas?
I said leadership. You know, the guys who were all installed by Obama, Bush and Clinton.
Do you think your motivation, or lack there of, has any bearing on the outcome Jan 20? The people voted. That is all you could do. There was a time when there may have been an argument to stay positive and keep things fun in order to spread information and wake people up, with the goal of getting them to vote. That time has passed. Your attitude or mine no longer have any affect on the outcome of this election whatsoever. All that there is to do now is to assess the reality of the situation, and plan accordingly. Until you realize and accept what has happened, you will be unable to move forward in strategizing how to resist what is coming. The enemy is not sitting around on their hopes and dreams. They are working always to enslave you. They successfully overturned a US election, and have already succeeded in compromising the people they needed. Now they have largely moved on to planning how they will poison and enslave you once Biden is sworn in. You are wasting time.