Promises made, Promises broken.
Promises made, Promises broken.
keep lying to yourself
just another limited hangout like all of the overpaid talking heads.
You are naive. Lemme guess. Muh 5d chess. Wake the fuck up.
learn how to spell NIGGER
Dumas, TX you niggardly cunt
come to Texas, fuck around and find out. we don't tolerate nigger pond scum. I'll put my 12 inch boot straight up your asshole while you cry for mommy you little cock sucking nigger.
yum, looks fucking fantastic. moar winning. promises made promises made. call it Trump shekel meat approved by Jared.
Holy SHIT. I just farted 17 times followed by 17 burps and then I ran 17 miles and pee peed for 17 seconds. Fucking A it's HAPPENING you sorry ginger goy fucks.