still v. curious about these "last posts"
nope, i think we're going all the way to the 19th or 20th
page is said to be a kiddie fiddler
i have stopped checking msm completely, beyond looking at fox yt once a day to see if there are any new press events or hearings (yes, fox sucks balls also)
definitely helps
the next 3 weeks are gonna get dicey af
as long as my newborn baby has the right to decide its own gender via gurglings, i'm set
think about it this way - the enemy is continuing to create the history they want
if we lose, they will erase events contrary to this history
potus is also creating history for future books
if his victory was indeed massive, then there would surely be mass protests in support, etc..
two realities, only one will eventually be engraved
like, bananas are so phallocentric
my bright future was taken from me by our corrupt food and medicine
thank fuck i get some ssdi benefits to help me exist