Anonymous ID: ba6629 Dec. 28, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.12213277   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As long as they don't try to CLAS move him or pelosi, perhaps nothing.


In the first revolutionary war, the Loyalists were Loyal to England. I've seen most interpretations of this being a message to Loyalists as the same as Patriots. I tend to see loyalism in this context as loyal to what was there prior. Which would be the Establishment or DS, right?


EAM is where you look for context. The obvious choice is Emergency Action Message, but that doesn't go well my take on Loyalist. My take is it's an Emerency Action Message to Loyalists (them). Yeah?


Probably safe to say RED(1-6) are Redlines that we haven't seen crossed yet. 1 & 2 seem fairly straight forward.


But I keep getting hung up on 3: PELOSI or PENCE. I always read "Pelosi is controlled" and I see things to suggest that. But if that were so, no one should be too worried about 12A making her temporary POTUS. How's that thought make you feel? Makes me at least a little nervous, if I'm being honest. I think because once the POTUS title moves, how much "control" remains. But why is Pence grouped in here? I have to admit, my gut has always not been right with him. I Think; Would the DS establishment ever have let Trump on the ticket if they didn't have a loyalist in as #2? Think about how much control they had of his staff selections. But I push it aside, I've seen him over the 4 years, he's always done his part. Well, there was that thing with Flynn, but assuming that was part of the plan. Ok. It has come down to the point where these two may be the most important players now (in sequence).


I try not to let my gut feel let me dismiss Pence, but we also have to remember not to cloud our logic and reasoning, just because it comes to a conclusion we can't handle.


#4 is movement of MIL assets etc. Wait, who controls that? Are these redlines for us or them? Well, it is after PENCE/PELOSI… Trump controls that, for now right?


"The NMCC has three main missions, all serving the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff in his role as the principal military advisor to both the Secretary of Defense and the President (also known as the National Command Authority).


The primary task of the NMCC is to monitor worldwide events which may be of defense significance.

The NMCC also has a crisis response component (e.g., response to the bombing of the USS Cole, the September 11 attacks,[3][4] the attack on the USS Liberty,[5] and Payne Stewart's plane crash.[6]).

And a strategic watch component (e.g., monitoring ballistic missile launches and other nuclear activity).


The NMCC is responsible for generating Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) to missile launch control centers, nuclear submarines, recon aircraft, and battlefield commanders worldwide. It maintains the American end of the famous U.S.–Russia hotline (the so-called "red telephone")."


There's that EAM again.


I'm not even going to try to speculate on RED 5.


Time will tell, but I do tell people who rely on me to keep up on things to be prepared for this one to go into overtime. I hope we see the whites in their eyes soon.