Trump needs more airtime with the people
Trump needs more airtime with the people
lawfags whats the lawsuit between Louie Gohmert Vs Mike Pence ?
US District court East Texas
the pot is about to boil over
in this way Mr. K will challenge the world !!!
Article at conservative treehouse up covering these issues
Lots of ; If this = then that happens
a major plank of destroying the family and gaining control of young minds is clearly stated in SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS
" … seperation of child from parents must occur at an earlier age, innoculation with behavorial drugs R I T A L I N can spped the transition "
Sundance is sometimes right sometimes not but Conservative Treehouse does good well thought out reporting and opinions are labeled as such. The comments are mostly intelligent also, thats why MSM does hit jobs on C.T.
the quads have spoken
many hands makes for light work
there are more anons digging now than ever before
A.I.A. . anon intelligence agency
ROP'ers ?
If no banana court will allow evidence to be heard …. whats the move then ?
This is The Alamo , kid
cabal thrives on SECRECY as J.F.K. said
DECLASS is a weapon whos time has come
short circuit the MFers