Is she on crack. What idiot thinks pence has the authority to accept or deny electoral college votes. Contested states or not I don’t think it matters if the legislature of those states don’t de-certify the results then I think they’ll stick and then the coup will be completed. After that we’ll see where we go next. Until then I’m still comfy and even afterwards
Stuff might break you never know. I broke a cup in my sink.
It’s that white privilege that will get you to the head on the line every time
14 posts of shit I see
Start thinking critically . They will confirm him on the 6th (Biden) then the coup is completed. What will happen after that is anyone’s guess
That’s about where I’m at
Rick wiles goes off the deep end sometimes. I hope he’s right though
I was thinking. Some people actually do live on that.
Very doubtful
Fuck you too. I really don’t care what the fuck your cum guzzling mouth thinks eat shit and die cunt
Thank you anon. A real anon posts. Kek
I think she’s deaf