We are well past that point. We are now at the point AFTER the courts will not hear the evidence.
Logical, legal progression. The courts are not the ultimate deciders.
We are well past that point. We are now at the point AFTER the courts will not hear the evidence.
Logical, legal progression. The courts are not the ultimate deciders.
Well, the evidence is being shown by dozens of different outlets, as well as POTUS keeping us updated. CodeMonkey has been avalanching evidence out the past week, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, SpecOpsMonkey, Praying Medic.
Don't know what to tell ya. That 'no evidence' narrative was crushed a week ago.
Other countries are getting NOTHING, dipshit! If we don't give it to them, their own governments sure as fuck don't!
Voting for what? They were voting for the $2k and something else today.