Anonymous ID: 06a4a6 April 28, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.1221759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765

>>1218390 You act as if we haven't talked at length about this. We've created threads, research topics and more about grounded planes, backdoors and retaliation. I'm really sick of autists not getting credit for work we've already done. How many times can I yell into an echo chamber? No single public arrest. Pedophiles still public. We've lost our jobs over this. Lost friends. Still nothing to show.


I feel for you fellow anon. Although I've only been red pilled since late Dec I have struggled since then with "what can I do to help"? For those like yourself that have been the torch bearers for MUCH longer, I for one am eternally grateful.


This is a war, and as in any war those who fight the longest are the most subjected to battle fatigue. The good new is, because of the efforts of anons like yourself, new troops have arrived, enough so as to give those that need it a bit of a break.


Going forward, I think Q has indicated whats needed…to get the word out using every social media available. If each Anon picks one form of social media that they are most engaged with and brings as many clicks as possible to the right messaging (including creating your own) we will help create the army needed for complete victory.


God bless us and our mission.

Anonymous ID: 06a4a6 April 28, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.1221809   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I feel for you fellow anon. Although I've only been red pilled since late Dec I have struggled since then with "what can I do to help"? For those like yourself that have been the torch bearers for MUCH longer, I for one am eternally grateful.


This is a war, and as in any war those who fight the longest are the most subjected to battle fatigue. The good new is, because of the efforts of anons like yourself, new troops have arrived, enough so as to give those that need it a bit of a break.


Going forward, I think Q has indicated whats needed…to get the word out using every social media available. If each Anon picks one form of social media that they are most engaged with and brings as many clicks as possible to the right messaging (including creating your own) we will help create the army needed for complete victory.


God bless us and our mission.

Anonymous ID: 06a4a6 April 28, 2018, 6:51 a.m. No.1221894   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What is amazing to me about this place is how many true Patriots there are here, each bringing there own talents and wisdom to the cause. Thanks.