Anonymous ID: 263f7c April 28, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.1222032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2144 >>2151 >>2237 >>2324


Isn't just vaccines. I went to talk to a therapist about anxiety due to my (not) grieving my dad's death (I didn't, for 7 years), looked her right in the eye and said "No drugs." She said "That's fine, but I won't talk to you unless you take these meds (SSRIs)." I then asked for a referral to a different therapist who won't try to shove drugs down my throat. I really have to watch where I go for this kind of thing because of my state's gun laws (ambiguous shit about getting mental health treatment could result in revocation of gun rights).

Anonymous ID: 263f7c April 28, 2018, 7:21 a.m. No.1222113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2163


My dad was 45 and my mom was 39 when I was born. I can tell you firsthand it's a goddamn curse having older parents. Especially due to my dad's alcoholism. He was diagnosed with cancer while I was in college. He passed away shortly after my 30th birthday. It's a double-edged sword. Older parents are more established but they'll be retiring and whatnot before the kids are out of college. My dad retired before I was out of high school. It's the whole dealing with my parents aging, dying, before I've been able to "do something" with my life.

Anonymous ID: 263f7c April 28, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.1222207   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shit happens in life. People die, lose jobs, lose pets, whatever. It happens. It's been happening for millennia, yet people have been able to keep their arms. This government nanny shit…meh. My state bans anyone who is a patient in a mental health facility from owning a gun for five years. Voluntary admission. Involuntary is forever, state and federal. Problem is the definition is so fucking vague that if you go to a shrink for outpatient and that facility also has inpatient, then it can be argued that you are a patient in the facility. I've read about people who have been stuck in the psych ward because the hospital overflowed, no rooms left, and these people had their gun rights revoked just for that. I'd be suing.


The disadvantage you have is there is no (Canadian) constitutional guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms. Only the US and now (or soon) Czech Republic.

Anonymous ID: 263f7c April 28, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.1222247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2300 >>2325


Thank you for your condolences. I verbally begged for him to die because the cancer was actually eating him alive (tumors all over, massive glioma that made it so he could only track us moving in the room, it was bad). He took his last breath when I was one yard from him. My mom had left the room, then he died. Didn't want her in the room. Problems stem from other shit he did while he wasn't sick and…there's no closure.


I'm already on a benzo for essential tremor but I'm immune to the effects of benzos. I've had pre-operative Versed (high power benzo) and shit didn't "calm" me a bit. I'll look into that supplement. Luckily, my GP is redpilled as hell. She was redpilled before I was. They're peppers heh. Will look into that supplement. Anxiety has crippled me. I never used to be this way and I hate it.

Anonymous ID: 263f7c April 28, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.1222281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you for advice. I pretty much abandoned all hobbies but am getting back into old hobbies and habits. Playing guitar, composing music, shooting, joined a gym, etc. Doing talk therapy now. NO DRUGS. I can sniff out manipulative people because my dad's alcoholism made him extremely manipulative, he (unknowingly) taught me how to be and how to spot it. I'm actually paranoid. But it's getting better.