Anonymous ID: 3f20ef April 28, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.1221942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1995


What does this mean? What is the context? @Jack banned Nehlen from Twitter not that long ago. Lots of people still being purged from there. I had imagined that Twitter and Facebook and Amazon would be on the way down by down. All seem to be thriving still.

Anonymous ID: 3f20ef April 28, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.1222156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, what does POTUS intend to do about the rogue judge John Bates and the DACA ruling? I'm no lawyer but this is one of the craziest legal rulings I have ever seen and one of the most blatant acts against the Constitution by the judiciary….an activist judge has ordered the president to reverse himself on declaring that DACA is to be no more and also ordering the government to continue accepting DACA applications.


Apparently, these activist judges are now all taking a dump on the Constitution. People are watching, and they are very angry. We want these illegal aliens and refugees removed from the country.


We know that Dems brought in all these millions of illegals to change the voter demographics. They are still bringing them in. The Caravan is now at the border, btw. The Mexican government was not supposed to allow them to get there. Hopefully, there is a part of the plan that repatriates these people to their countries once the border is secured. It seems the Mexicans and Central Americans are the ones who are winning bigly against our immigration system. Here where I live many employers won't hire you unless you can speak Spanish. Imagine that!


I am praying for POTUS. It must be very difficult to have to face so much evil and bullshit every single day.

Anonymous ID: 3f20ef April 28, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.1222197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2228 >>2243 >>2246 >>2297


Amazon and Facebook doomed for bankruptcy? Earlier this week both companies had their best earnings in a single day ever. Facebook went up 50% and Bezos earned $12 billion in just one day. Musk's companies aren't doing too well. But Zuckerberg and Bezos seem to have recovered.

Anonymous ID: 3f20ef April 28, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.1222260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dismal state of Europe featured in this Gatestone article. That continent is royally fucked. Even after the Great Awakening, they will not recover from what the cabal has done there. The indigenous population is shrinking and disappearing. They are being replaced with Africans, Indians, Pakis, and Arabs.


Look at any country in Africa, Any country in the ME, India, Pakistan. This is what all of Europe will look like in years to come. And the few remaining white people will be looking for a place to run to or get killed—just as is now happening in South Africa.

