Anonymous ID: 4f53d8 April 28, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.1221586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1218390 Q (Prev)

>>1218465 Patriot

>>1218893 Q

>>1219180 Patriot

>>1219019 Patriot

>>1219212 Prayers - I stand with you anon. We love you.


I must apologize for my past behavior that may have been unpleasant.


I was impatient like a spoiled child because things weren't happening fast enough.

Anons gave up so much for the cause. I had no idea. I am with you until the end, beside you. You're my hero and you will not be forgotten by me.

God Bless.

Anonymous ID: 4f53d8 April 28, 2018, 6:06 a.m. No.1221652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1683


"Wake Up Every Morning So Glad For @realDonaldTrump Thank You Lord For Making Trump PRESIDENT of The United States Of America."

Anonymous ID: 4f53d8 April 28, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.1221807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1862 >>2032

"Doctors getting offended when their authority is challenged by patients."


What Happened When I Refused My Tetanus Vaccine

Written by Joe Martino


I was cutting a sweet potato one evening when I looked down and realized I had somehow sliced a decent portion of the tip of my pinky finger. I still don’t know how this happened, but it did. Immediately I knew I either needed stitches or glue to have it heal properly. I looked more closely at my finger and confirmed my initial thoughts. After applying some hydrogen peroxide, I hopped in the car with my girlfriend and we made our way to the hospital.


Upon arriving we went through the normal procedure in the emergency room; papers, name, health card etc. From there I went to the treatment room where I waited for a doctor for about 30 minutes. A young doctor shows up to the bed I was sitting on and introduced himself. He seemed friendly, nice, outgoing and willing to help. He looked at my wound, assessed the situation, heard my opinion of treatment and agreed. Glue it was. He then asked me if I had received a Tetanus shot in the past few years. Given I was 26, I was due to receive my next immunization, since I hadn’t received the shot he told me we would do that at the same time. I told him I would think about it. Of course, this was a bit of a stall tactic as I had no intention of getting the vaccine since I walked in the hospital. He pressed on. “You should really get the vaccine as if you aren’t up to date this could be fatal.” I then decided to ask him what the ingredients of the vaccine were. He was a tad confused and was not sure how to answer. He ended up saying it was crushed up bits of the bacteria (not live) and it would protect against allowing the bacteria to become toxic in my body if it were present. In theory he was correct. I then asked, “Does the vaccine contain thimerosal?” He looked at me and responded “I have no idea what that is.” I then let him know that it was a ethylmercury and has been shown to cause neurological damage. This is where things changed.


He chuckled to himself almost as if to suggest I was believing in some conspiracy theory. “Most of what you hear about vaccines is not true. There are only a couple vaccines that have had bad effects on people.” he said. It’s important to note that up until this point and for the remainder of my visit I was as kind, peaceful and nice as anyone could be in speaking with another person. I said “I’m open to some of it being overstated, but I have also researched results myself so I come asking questions because of what I have found in my research.” He responded in a condescending and angry manner “Well I don’t have an information kit with me here and I don’t think these vaccines are unsafe, but the choice is still yours.” We didn’t speak more about it for the next minute or so. He filled out some paperwork and then asked again if I was going to get the shot. I told him no. He then said “Well I leave it up to you, you can let the nurse know but it’s basically you get this or you die in 3 days. Tetanus can be fatal and so it’s your choice.” He was also laughing and annoyed at this point because he could not believe I was questioning and challenging his authority. I kept with my decision of opting out of the vaccine and he simply walked away. There was no “bye”, no “have a nice night”, no chance for me to thank him, nothing. He simply turned around and walked away as if he was not happy with me at all.


When the nurse came over she asked me about the shot. When I refused she ran me through a quick explanation of how it was not the best choice and that I should get the vaccine in the next 3 days or else I could die. After I left the hospital I reflected on the entire experience and realized that it might be important to share this story as there are some interesting things to observe.

Anonymous ID: 4f53d8 April 28, 2018, 6:52 a.m. No.1221902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2171

CIA director met with DNC hack conspiracy theorist at Trump's urging


By Jim Sciutto and Mary Kay Mallonee, CNN

Updated 1530 GMT (2330 HKT) November 8, 2017


(CNN)CIA Director Mike Pompeo recently met – at the urging of President Donald Trump – with one of the principal deniers of Russian interference in the US election, according to multiple intelligence sources.


Trump apparently made the highly unusual request that Pompeo meet with the former National Security Agency employee and look into a theory that the leak of Democratic Party emails last year was an inside job rather than a cyberattack by Russian hackers.


William Binney, the former NSA employee-turned-whistleblower who circulated the conspiracy theory, confirmed to CNN that he met with Pompeo for about an hour on October 24 – despite the fact the intelligence community concluded early this year that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.


The meeting was first reported by The Intercept.

The CIA responded to CNN's inquiry about the meeting by saying that Pompeo "stands by and has always stood by the January 2017 intelligence community assessment" that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.


Binney, who has theorized that the theft and release of thousands of DNC emails was actually carried out by a DNC employee, told CNN that Pompeo began the meeting with him by saying, "The President told me I should talk to you."

Intelligence sources told CNN that many people inside the CIA were very uncomfortable with the meeting. Binney said Pompeo concluded the meeting by telling him he would like Binney to meet with the FBI and the NSA as well.

He said he told Pompeo, "the entire intelligence community needs to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the American public."

Binney added: "I think he took it in."


The President himself repeatedly questioned Russia's involvement during the campaign. During the first presidential debate on September 26, 2016, Trump said, "I don't think anybody knows it was Russia that hacked the DNC."

Trump continued, "I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds, OK?"


And Trump has continued to express doubts about Russian interference since taking office. During an appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation," he said, "If you don't catch a hacker, OK, in the act, it's very hard to say who did the hacking. With that being said, I'll go along with Russia. Could've been China, could've been a lot of different groups."


In October, Pompeo prompted a clarification from the CIA when he said in a speech that the US intelligence community determined that Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election did not affect its outcome. Pompeo had commented that "the intelligence community's assessment is that the Russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election."


Soon after Pompeo's comment, the CIA issued a statement from spokesman Dean Boyd, who said, "the intelligence assessment with regard to Russian election meddling has not changed, and the director did not intend to suggest that it had."


CNN's Jennifer Rizzo contributed to this report.

Anonymous ID: 4f53d8 April 28, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.1222151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2247


I am sorry for your lost. I prefer not to see doctors unless I am dying for that reason. Have you tried KSM66? It helped me greatly. Best to take it at night. It makes me sleepy.