Anonymous ID: 62fb2c April 28, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.1221634   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1643 >>1651 >>1686 >>1824

ok anons and I hope Q also see this

like many other anons I have been following so close every day

After ALL yesterday's Q and anon posts I now understand the exact problem


We love POTUS and Melania and the whole first family

We trust The Plan - We can be patient and we know it is dangerous and complex.

We are thrilled with our foreign policy success - amazing

We are extremely happy with all POTUS domestic and economic policies.

We are so proud of our country for the first time in many tears

We are behind Q and POTUS teams 100% and would give our lives for the cause


So with all this winning why is there still so much frustration? It is NOT because we need a Red Bull - come on Q - that shit is poison!


Answer - We are losing ONE key battle - the most visible one EVERY DAY - that is public relations - of course we know the reason- the corrupt lying MSM - but Q DOES have a way to stem the bleeding now - ONE major story HAS TO DROP! It can be any major player but we need one huge MOAB on one major player - let them cry conspiracy - let them cry lies - let them cry fakery and fuckery.


THAT we must see! THAT we must hear! Q - pick one - any one of the dozen major schemes you have uncovered - pharma - Las Vegas - Anton Scalia - Seth Rich - The satanic Vatican - nazi Angela - FISA fraud - chemtrails - pedogate - tarmac - HRC video - 9/11 - U1 - Iran deal - stormy daniels - election fraud - JFK files - Hussein birth cert. - hell I would settle for Eric Holder or Valerie Jarrett on page one defending themselves! Pick one - any one - But 9-11 truth? Why not? THAT would be glorious.That would be EPIC.


Drop a real MOAB - one the internet will pick up and MSM will be forced to cover - we know it can be done because POTUS trolls the media every day and knows how to get it on the news any tme he wants


Its even worth giving up any legal prosecutions dont you see? We are sick to death of investigations and court cases that drag on for years That is ALL we have seen EVER and it goes nowhere. Q if you want to help us this is what is needed. Thanks and God Bless anons, Q team, Potus and the USA. Oh and WW too!

Anonymous ID: 62fb2c April 28, 2018, 6:41 a.m. No.1221837   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1881



tx for the thoughtful response anon but i disagree

oj walked because of the black jury

not because lack of evidence or effort

in fact the whole fiasco proves my point

investigations and court cases are not what we need

we need a full reset in public

a flood of truth

no more "proceedings"

Anonymous ID: 62fb2c April 28, 2018, 7:07 a.m. No.1222012   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2047 >>2119 >>2123 >>2315


Red Bull Energy Drink Ingredients


Taurine. โ€ฆ

B-group vitamins. โ€ฆ



taurine is an organic molecule (not an amino acid) named for the Latin taurus, which means ox or bull because originally taurine was extracted from bull semen and ox bile. Taurine is found in other animal tissues, as well, including the human intestine, breast milk, meat, and fish.

Sugar is also poison - esp GMO sugar from GMO roundup sugar beets

Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the methylxanthine class. It is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug.

B group vitamins help convert our food into fuel - in this case they help convert our red bull DRUG package into our system quickly and efficiently


so basically it is a mainstream NWO drug delivery system with blood/semen/satanic spices

no wonder its addictive - $100 says POTUS does not drink it

come on people didnt potus weekly address say to throw away all the drugs?

Anonymous ID: 62fb2c April 28, 2018, 7:13 a.m. No.1222064   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2102 >>2120

Trump tweet from yesterday


Take Back Day

I urge all Americans to participate in #takebackday tomorrow! Letโ€™s come together and BEAT last Octoberโ€™s record of disposed prescription pills! Visit to learn more on how to participate Saturday and every day


This isnโ€™t exactly the same but I like the concept.


Letโ€™s TAKE BACK EVERYTHING the cabal has stolen from us.


All their stupid symbolism and signs.


I happen to love owls. Weโ€™re taking them back

I love eagles too. Weโ€™re taking them back

Iโ€™ve raised sheep, ewes and rams I love them, Weโ€™re taking them back.

Iโ€™ve raised goats as well, does and bucks love them too. Taking them back


I want to be able to make the peace sign with my hand, or any other hand gesture I feel like making. Taking that back too.


Taking back circles, triangles, pyramids, rectangles, numbers, letters or any other symbol the cabal has come up with I donโ€™t care to find out or figure out.




MEGA (Make Earth Great Again)

Anonymous ID: 62fb2c April 28, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.1222110   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


i believe in discipline

self first and for loved ones esp children as needed too

i also believe in intellect and have a graduate degree and read so much my eyes nearly failed

but i can still tell you emotion rules whether you know it or not

that does NOT mean one cannot over rule emotion as you suggest

but it is always there

and it should not always be over ruled