Anonymous ID: 6c1664 April 28, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.1222033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2106 >>2180

>>1221516 (last)

>Q is not talking to you. Q is not listening to you. Patriots are not listening to you.

>But you are playing the 'extras' in the movie

Au contraire, o ManDible.

For instance, some time in Feb, POTUS gave a speech which contained at least 6 references to digs made on /qresearch/ within the prior 72 hrs.

including one on the Opium Wars between Great Britain and China.

<Ever hear of the Opium Wars? - DJT


If needed be, could find another solid 13+ other examples back in the breads, and given the Proper encouragement (#17), anons. could easily bring that list to the triple digits.

in other words, NOT ~~"extras"~~, but citizen intelligence agency

<so mind your P's & Q's before shooting MouTH off.

>. . . . for free.

And why is that, you think? Why is that the President of the U.S. has to resort to a volunteer open-source collective intelligence experiment when

$52.6 BILLION A YEAR (as of 2013, see graphic courtesy of Ed Snow.)

is being spent by the U.S. Federal Government supposedly for these very services?


Maybe in order to free some $$$ up for what's obviously a productive & effective beta test,


We should call for an audit of this ~$444 BILLION spent for the years 2009-2016 and sue any Private Contractors that have been negligent in accomplishing what they were PAID to do?


FedGov could then use that "Restitution" $$$ to start paying Private Contractors who have actually demonstrated that they can achieve at the highest level vs. those who take the $$$ and slack off at best?


Think what Hussein and his Merry Band of Lawyers used those bank "Settlements" from 2008 for their "Pet Projects",

EXCEPT in this case, THIS pet project has already demonstated its usefulness for the People of our Nation.

>. . . . for free.

What do you think? >>1221485 ain't that the TrooTH.

Anonymous ID: 6c1664 April 28, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.1222180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>BUT - they get comfy retirement benefits

AND - very cushy side gigs…some w/ entities working against the best interests of our Country.


Seems that the logical place to start said investigation is the RED Circle that Hoovers up the most moola.

See that 16-pointed STAR in the center of Their Emblem? Never noticed that before. Odd.