Anonymous ID: c437f0 April 28, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.1222061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2084 >>2250

Realizing full well we're square in the middle of a complex and well thought out psy-op's operation known as "Q" there are some deep yet superficial questions that need to be asked of ourselves (not of Q) about the cause/effect and desired outcome of this in the midst of it while waiting/hoping for completion of the investigations.


Given that this is a non-traditional psy-op's type of movement going on you need to ask yourselves what is the intended goal for them or Q as far as public sentiment.


Before I get hammered on here let me be clear…I like everything about this Q movement and it's cause and I want justice served (aka guilty traitors HUNG) just as much as anyone. They F'd us over big time…they should pay in a way that shocks anyone connected to it or who might ever think of attempting such a thing again.


But part of me, after soooo many repititious and sometimes obvious and dated Questions at this point wonders if part ( not all) of this exercise is to publicly wake people up slowly and manage perceptions or growing dissent by slowing down the expectations of the masses for either a.) there was no Trump/Russia collusion but there was DNC/Global fuckery going on and b.) don't expect every wrongdoer to be indicted, charged or punished anytime soon despite years of evidence.


Fully realizing that Q is trying to appeal to both sides of the public divide of bothTrump haters and his supporters there is a middle ground of sorts (perception/expectations/reactions) that is being kept in mind by Q/team that is trying to be acheived in this operation….and it is an operation. A very unique and necessary one at this point in the crossroads of our nations life and direction.


Bottomline…I support this fully and want justice served BIG TIME either asap or when possible but I WANT IT SERVED HARSHLY AS WRITTEN LAW DICTATES.


But will it happen? After seeing so many egregious acts committed over the years by so many that were slapped on the wrist I get this sickening feeling/dread that this is going to be strung out and not meet our expectations or perceptions of what SHOULD happen.


I'm hoping for justice but there is nothing I've seen from DC in it's entirety (so far) that leads me to believe anything drastic will occur. I hope I'm dead wrong about this.

But what I see so far is business as almost normal and politicians or ex-gov employees who don't seem to be sweating any bullets at this point. They look amazingly self-assured nor rattled…so far.


Just realize that as cool or patriotic as this all seems to be, and it is, it's also a large scale and uniwue psy-op's tjat is trying to apoeal to both sides at once to manage expectations or perceptions.


I want results. We all want results. When it happens matters not to me AS LONG AS those who F'd all of us over need to pay the price that anyone of us would pay for doing less or similar acts against our country.


At some point all the evidentiarycrumbs that have accumulated better result in a historical purge/arrest/punishment of those who betrayed us for personal gain or idealogical fulfullment.


Pol's and CEO's being allowed to walk away for a reason isn't going to cut it nor is the pretense of national security reasons.


All the guilty one's need to be tried and punished just like all of us would be. The time for talk and patience is drawing to a close.

Anonymous ID: c437f0 April 28, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.1222249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2264



Thank you for the comment and inspiration.

I'm pissed that these type of cat/mouse games need to be played at all to this extent.


It's pretty straight forward to me…if they have the goods on everyone (for years) then why go through this elaborate game at this point in time to the extent they are?


Whatever happened to straight forward no nonsense law enforcement of real crimes???

We can see how fast they try to move when phony, rigged charges with little to no evidence are brought upon citizens.


The series of Q's last night was almost too much and left me thinking…ok, enough with the guessing games at this point.

When does the SHTF and who is the fan?

Mueller, RR, Sessions etc???

No one in D.C. realizes that there's a huge sting going on??

Of course they do.


At this point, if they have the goods on these people, start making them sweat publicly and put them on the hot seat. Seeing Hillary and Comey running sround shooting their mouth off and poisoning the well of (dumb) public perceptions accomplishes what? They should be worried and lawyered up/shutting up but they're feeling no real heat. They don't seem worried…at all.


I see no one sweating quite frankly.

Except that I am noticing liddle Adam clam up.