Anonymous ID: c6ad2e April 28, 2018, 6:57 a.m. No.1221949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977 >>1987 >>2001 >>2015 >>2026 >>2030 >>2036 >>2051 >>2072 >>2088 >>2118 >>2145 >>2294 >>2302 >>2326 >>2338 >>2348





I'm sure your intent was not to embarrass us? We’ve told our wives and friends that the texts were coming this week, and evidence of a coup attempt. You told us Congress had the messages, all they released are worthless redacted garbage. You say you are in control, but people who are out of control ALWAYS say that. Even if it’s true, you are free men, with access to unlimited resources (paid for by we the people) and in control of your daily schedule.

Many of us are wage slaves in a system we now know was designed to keep us from being productive and indenture us to corporations. We can’t keep doing this. When we were ignorant and did not understand this, we could blame ourselves for not wanting to participate. We can’t do that anymore. We don’t belong in soul sucking 9-5 that support a debt soaked consumption economy. You need to throw us a bone. It is time for you to end the manipulation of precious metals and crypto currencies so that those of us who have a position of a few thousand dollars or more in either can move into a position of independence to direct society into a new production economy.

This manipulation is only possible because you are allowing it. You have asked for our patience, we have been patient. We are only asking for what is rightfully ours. Stop the precious metal manipulation and allow the awake to start claiming our rightful place in the financial order.

I know this has consequences for your plan, but you did involve us. We are free men who have made sacrifices, and our interest should be taken into account.



Anonymous ID: c6ad2e April 28, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.1222038   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Too lazy an analysis on your part, Anon. I am not concernfagging. I am pointing out that they have involved us. They keep telling us to trust the plan. They need to take our interest into consideration now.

They say "God is love." If you believe in God, you trust Him to honor your efforts even when you change the plan a little. He is not a corporate top down entitiy, even though He has the right to be. All the orgs He created are decentralized. We are decentralized too, and that means the participants get to have input.

Anonymous ID: c6ad2e April 28, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.1222071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The action has not affected me, and they are spending Billions, with a B, to thwart my financial interests. You don't understand, because you are too slow to get your finances in order for the new system. That is something you have the opportunity to change now. Learn something.

Do I really sound like the kind of guy who has not already considered the information (very little) that you presented here?

Anonymous ID: c6ad2e April 28, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.1222082   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When silver reaches it's correct U.S Fed reserve note valuation, they'll be too poor to pay you to dance on their graves, even though you'd do it for free.

Anonymous ID: c6ad2e April 28, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.1222210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2217 >>2295


You have not learned anything. You think you control your future, but you do not. First of all, God could have taken you in that car accident like he could have taken my when my private plane crashed (how many planes do you own).

Second of all, there is no capitalism. The central banks can print money and buy any business you are successful enough to create because your investors can sue you to sell. You work, they print. Have you started any multi-million dollar companies? Do you even own enough stock in any that you would have to do an OTC (Look it up). If you were smart enough to keep your company private good for you, but this is not capitalism.


Third of all, you and your spouse are not big independent successes. My vet can do better surgery on people than your spouse, and do it in a rusted out car without a full surgical equipment. She gets to do it in this country because of a government controlled license. If I want my vet to do a better job than her for 20 dollars, we both go to jail. They choke the supply of doctors in the country because the HMO's can import 3rd world doctors (like my vet). These doctors can sit there and prescribe opiods for a year and make a life saviings.

I do take responsibility for my future, I have been succeeding in a manipulated environment, and not by trying to win a grade lotto (which is skewed to kids who can't play well with others so they keep their noses in books) though I am a top ten univ alum.

I actually made over 300K last year and it is not a big deal.

What matters to me is that I understand the PM manipulation has to be done with the aid of the PPT/ Exchange Stabilization Fund.

What is your problem? Why can't I object to the government using my own damn money to thwart my legitimate interests.


Just remember though, you are a wage slave. You are not a free man in control. You are a slave to the bankers issuing the mountain of debt your surgical resident is in.


You have fallen into the right wing trap. You think because you have managed to succeed that the game is not rigged. A lotto winner does not mean every ticket buyer has a chance. The work that you put in may make you feel entitited to some success, but it all it did was get you ahead of a few other rats in a controlled race. If you keep playing their game, you are going to lose.


The end game is a world where surgeons make less than bus drivers in some cases (that is what often happens in a free market), so you better figure out how this works.

Anonymous ID: c6ad2e April 28, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.1222333   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So should I pay someone to kill the folks who I suspect of being on the PPT? I know Trump has put out a kill order on the top members of the illuminati should anything happen to him. Craig Sawyer and others will be out with 50 Cals taking down their private planes. Is that what you want me to do? I am a good poker player, but I can't win if the other side gets free money every time I take them for their stack. Statistically impossible. I can't eat bullets walk on water and shit ice cream at the same time.