Anonymous ID: cc72a7 April 28, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.1221931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2092

Just read this article - very long, but a great read. 40,000 ft perspective.


"Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now

Posted by David Wilcock | Apr 27, 2018 "




"Now the Alliance has found a means to communicate with the public through the Q Anon briefings on 4Chan, and that makes me very happy.


With that being said, I also don’t want to get too complacent and just “let nature take its course,” as there is still much that is not understood.


Certain elements of the Alliance have been quite upset with me for the distractions and down-time I have had this year.


I do apologize for that. I understand how serious this is and I want to continue to do my part, and do it better than before.


If what we are hearing is true, things are about to get really intense. It may not seem that way, but we are very, very close.


Part of why I want to get this article done now is that there will soon be a lot more that we need to talk about.


The Alliance still isn’t sure how this will go down. No plan survives the battlefield. There are always unexpected twists.


For this same reason, each of us has a role in helping others decipher what is going on in real time as this all plays out.





This statement from Q Anon on November 21st, 2017 clearly seems to be written by someone who at least believes at least a majority of The Fundamental to be true:


All that you know to be right is wrong. The ‘cult’ runs the world. Fantasy land. The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).


20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse….


Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.


MSM role? Push conspiracy theory. Social media role? Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban. Censorship.



Q is clearly saying that 80 percent of the war that is now being fought must be done in private, clandestinely.


Otherwise, the Alliance believes the shock and trauma would be so great that the world would indeed collapse.


The “conspiracy theory” that is being pushed by mainstream media (MSM) and social media is the idea that there is no Deep State.


We are definitely seeing more and more examples of aggressive censorship taking place."


"The Q Anon material began appearing on 4Chan at the end of October 2017, just two weeks after we threw Mega Anon into the limelight.


We have now had multiple briefings indicating that the QAnon posts are authentic releases of intel from what we are calling the Alliance.


The Alliance is an international group of different factions who all agree that the Deep State / Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati must be stopped.


The Alliance includes what now appears to be a majority of the military and intelligence agencies within the US, as well as many other countries.


They are far more aware of what is going on in the Secret Space Program than we may realize.


The shocking, blatant attacks against Emery, Pete, Tompkins, Goode and others suggests there is true desperation within the Deep State.


It may well be that the Alliance plans on revealing epic secrets, including a guided tour of underground facilities, fairly soon after the arrests occur.





Bizarre and upsetting conflicts are still occurring in the world, such as the recent airstrikes in Syria — a joint operation between the US, UK and France.


The administrations in the UK and particularly France definitely still appear to be under the control of the Deep State.


Compelling proof has already surfaced in which the initial attack in Syria was not caused by chemical weapons, but was rather fabricated.


People who had survived a normal fire were traumatized when individuals burst into the room, said it was a chemical attack, and water was poured on them.


This was what produced the footage that everyone then saw.


It does appear that this was another Deep State attempt to force the Trump administration into creating the World War III they are so desperately hoping for.


There could well be multiple methods the Deep State used to force the US administration to participate in these strikes, or suffer serious consequences.


This appears to be why Trump brushed a bit of dandruff off of French president Macron’s jacket in their first meeting after the strike.


For what it’s worth, Benjamin Fulford’s intel was that a secret agreement was made with Syria and Russia to bomb three sites that were decommissioned.


"The Q stuff is often very cryptic, but there is a quite a bit in there."


"I am very pleased that the Alliance has found a secure means of informing the public about what they are working on."

Anonymous ID: cc72a7 April 28, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.1222128   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Read the actual article, I had to cut out 95% of it to make it fit. Best part for me was his definition of the Deep State about half to 3/4 of the way through the article. Good credible sounding stuff about the space program and about how they think and operate.