Anonymous ID: eaa487 April 28, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.1221604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627



As if there aren't enough irons in the fire already, let me add another.


Anon posted on either last bread or bread before that an article about Israel having invested millions in cutting edge technology in electronic warfare.


Is the stage set yet?

Anonymous ID: eaa487 April 28, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.1221668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1692 >>1909



Except that his voice matter too. Just as much as yours or anyone else on this board. Might want to keep in mind that for every post you don't agree with, there are many lurkers that do agree with it. If you don't agree with what someones says, then either ignore them or say you disagree. Or don't you believe in WWG1WGA?

Anonymous ID: eaa487 April 28, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.1222080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2116

Does anyone want to debate/research the Syria/Russia/Iran/Israel situation? Could be a constructive way to spend time here.


What we know:

>Russia is not friend or foe. They are obstacles. We have some common ground, but mostly we have conflict.

>Iran's rulers are going to be taken out and control of Iran will return to it's people. Hamas and Hezbollah must be removed first.(I'm not saying we are going to overthrow the Iranian govt. The people must do that.)

>Syria is a hotbed of conflicting factions. Our role is to remove the terrorist factions in Syria. We are assisting Israel and SA to end Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthi's.

>Israel. This is not about the jooosss. Not going to debate that point at all. The fact is we ARE working with Israel. We have multi billion dollar contracts with them. Fact, not opinion.


We know Israel/US are working together with EW(Electronic Warfare). Yet, Russia has learned some tricks from Israel's past conflicts and are using them against the US now. Until we can counter those moves, we are at an impasse in our efforts to remove Hezbollah from Syria.


So, how much is Israel helping us to fight Russia's technology? And why is Russia blocking our efforts? I speculate because we are assisting Israel even after Israel broke an agreement with Putin to not attack Syria. (Sauce below)


Anyway, just some food for thought. Below are some sauces. So many more articles online about this subject.



4 Jan. 2016 – Airborne electronic warfare (EW) systems continue to be a military priority worldwide as U.S. and its allies try to keep pace with a wide range of radar and RF-related threats from traditional global military powers, as well as emerging terrorist threats.


Related: Lockheed Martin to provide airborne electronic warfare systems for Apache attack helicopters


Related: Exelis to provide 42 airborne electronic warfare systems to U.S. Navy in $91.7 million contract


The last link gives great insight to why we struck Syria. I'm going to make another post about it. Doubt any will care, but going to post anyway.

Anonymous ID: eaa487 April 28, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.1222229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2236 >>2239 >>2282

The Syrian Airstrike


For those anons who were upset/angry/disappointed with Potus for attacking Syria, I was too. We all knew it was a FF and couldn't believe Potus would fall for it. Well, he didn't. Which, I think we already knew, but could not explain. We weren't give the details. But the sauce below opened my eyes a bit concerning it.


Even Russia now says we did the right thing!?! WHAT?!? In fact, only one condemning it is Iran. Imagine that.


I can't seem to copy/paste from the source, but Russia/Iran/Turkey had worked together to end the Islamic State in Syria. That was successful. They were building too strong a bond. We don't need Turkey and Russia backing Iran. Our attack on Syria was strategic. We know they had 3 days notice to remove all important stuff. It was symbolic to show not only that we won't stand for it, but to force Iran and Turkey to take sides on chemical warfare and bring an end to a Turkey/Russia/Iran alliance. This info is just from 1 source. I'm sure there is more info on the real reason we struck Syria out there.


If the cost of eliminating terrorist orgs in the ME is a few million is missiles, then I can accept what Potus did, when he had previously said he wouldn't. Bigger picture. 40,000 ft view.