Anonymous ID: ff721e April 28, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.1222144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2182 >>2207


The questionnaire for PAL/POL gun ownership in Canadistan emphasizes mental Health, "Have you suffered relationship ending, job loss or other stressfull events in last 5 years?"

Fucking assholes, life is a series of losses, and most people deal with them well enough to function. Now that the Cabal is on the ropes & killing people with MKUltra'd zombies with trucks & vans of peace, their shitskinned invasion hordes of Muzzy jihadists using knives bombs etc..what's next? the same line of questioning when one wants to rent/buy a vehicle or an axe hammer cutlery etc.. etc.The blue-pilled libtard left is where they get their momentum from rigged consensus polling, so my question is how do we fight this effectively without potentially losing our gun/vehicle ownership or being added to a watchlist ?

Anonymous ID: ff721e April 28, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.1222241   🗄️.is 🔗kun



> Big International attention attracting events such as these always feature human trafficking elements offering a smorgasbord to elites arriving en masse. This is probably a distraction event, evidence wiping, or traffickers received a tipoff their activities were monitored/about to be busted. Same MO at all events, but this time added to the trick is the Trump Co. is affected -2 birds stoned at once? Fishy no matter which lense you look at it with,. Anons we may need a dig here..

Anonymous ID: ff721e April 28, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.1222284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2289


Blessed advice Anon, (You) get it. I know; I worked in the field & the 31 priority is keep the Govt. subsidies & funds flowing & spend your gibs monies on non-essentials to avoid budget cuts (conventions seminars training where food lodging & travel is all reimbursed but keep clinical therapy to a minimum, keeping the actual clients needing real help at arms length . One big scam Anon, one big scam