from a tweet from a year ago?
wow you guys are really sensitive about the confusing tweet with the double date.
what is your fucking problem, it's an easy mistake to make.
cool. It's easy to be confused by that tweet.
what is wierd is how angry and pestering shills got because of it.
so you think that pesters belong here?
that is my point.
but the density of you is to keep up the pester and thus prove the original point:
you don't belong here.
how does he sleep . . . ?
with a . . . in his . . . ?
It's a joke. I even took away nouns to make it less understandable.
'the Harvard Century'
what a lie.
squandered a golden age to larp at equality.
drove off the smart people so that legacies could always get enrolled.
let the cabal take it over and only let in cabal candidates.
when was that? 1930s?
no, Harvard, only your conceit makes you think it was your century.
you ruined New England by making it into a place for people from the third world to be put in front of anyone local so they could scoff at us and deconstruct our cities and towns.
and now what do you have?
you have a group of schools some of which need to be saved and spun off, the rest of which, probalby need to be reeducated to be made a lot less mean and hateful.
your school is a plauge.
you should be taxed for all your land and businesses. your hangers on should be taxed for all the freebees, and officers of your org who exploit your many properties should be charged for their use so you have to antitrust it all.
deep the properties over to the Commonwealth or the towns.
give up your great big forest in Carlisle that is ringed by mansions.
be put on tribunal like they did to people at Nuremberg? maybe that's too extreme . . .