msnbc = must show nothing but crap
msnbc = must show nothing but crap
They should've stopped by here General Research much earlier
Not a single fuck do I give for the "ideology" of at least 50% of the population of this planet
The Army tweet is from the beginning of this year, a bit dated dontcha think?
Free Iran
Again you try with the same old ancient shit that outs you and your crew immediately
Irgc that outs themselves using their same tired old material year afetr year. UI saw the guys earlier tried some new stuff, can you not get into that folder?
Same Old Shills Different Bread
Lame Hajjii is lame
Now it's justshill fail
Incredible lack of originality. Level of lame approaching full flaccid
I have been practicing what the Army now calls "combatives" and shall enjoy one of those commies trying to attack me. The commie will not enjoy the experince
Level of lame at full flaccid achieved. The shill has locked in a failure level that deserves the transfer to Syria
It's tyranny, but with special priveledges and free shit
That one just plain non-sensical
Hajjii put too much of the durka durka in the hookah? Makes no sense at all.
Darth Vader voice: Now your failure is complete