Not gonna lie. We here at JIDF HQ are shidding and fardding out pants every time you post this.
Please stop.
You are giving us all PTSD.
← Pict related.
Not gonna lie. We here at JIDF HQ are shidding and fardding out pants every time you post this.
Please stop.
You are giving us all PTSD.
← Pict related.
He can't, unless he wants to be considered and enemy combatant under the NDAA.
Also, if he follows through, he is a shoe-in for president 2024.
What did the jews mean by this?
What did the jews mean by this??
What did the jews mean by this???
?What did the jews mean by this?
??What did the jews mean by this?
???What did the jews mean by this??
???What did the jews mean by this???
? ? ? What did the jews mean by this?
?? What did the jews mean by this??
??? What did the jews mean by this???
What are the jews hiding???
Could this be why jews destroy other nations???
Why are jews so evil?
Why is it that so many jew women fuck beasts, that they have to pass a law making it permissible for jew women who fuck beasts to marry a jew rabbi?
What sort of sickness runs through the soul of a jew?
Did you know that most jew males are rabbis?
This is why they treat the goyim (cattle) like shit.
Think about all of the JEW DOCTORS that KILL their "patients."
Did you know that over 200,000 people die each year due to doctors?
Did you know that this number does not include malpractice?
Let that sink into your JEW-LOVING brains, you stupid "Christians."