Anonymous ID: bd2f5c Dec. 29, 2020, 2:35 a.m. No.12220853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1004

PB (notables)

>>12219358 CM post: Who would want to disrupt a scheduled EAS test? (Call to dig?)


They know who did it. CM knows it was MOS.


MI6 is a prelude to Mossad, like 'China' is a prelude to Jewish/Israeli crime syndicate.

All will be exposed when the time is right.


For clear reasons (((they))) cannot be named (yet).

Anonymous ID: bd2f5c Dec. 29, 2020, 4:01 a.m. No.12221212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1317 >>1368

A History of Khazarian Jewish Conspiracies and Zionism


This article refers to Khazarian Zionists and their long influential history: A history which has been hidden and shrouded in shadows of secrecy.


In no way does the author of this article hold any religious, anti-semantic, or political views toward the opinions expressed herein. All uses of the term "Jew" in this article, relate directly to, and only to, the history of Khazarian Judaism.


A small percentage of the Israeli population, are united by religious Zealotry and Ultra Nationalism. They oppose Israeli democracy and peaceful dealings with the Palestinian people. They also believe God is without opinion of right and wrong. They are the Khazar Zionist Jews. They were a warlike tribe which lived deep in the heart of Asia. They were so warlike even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia in to eastern Europe. In eastern Europe they set up a giant Khazar kingdom, which spanned over 800,000 square miles. It was the largest and most powerful country in all of Europe. They were phallic worshipers, similar to many pagan barbarian religions in the world. The king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom, he decided to adopt a monotheistic faith. He converted to, "so called" Judaism, which quickly became the state religion. He opened synagogues and schools. Within a few centuries, the Khazars convinced themselves they were "Jewish.


Lineage: They were Russian, Mongol, and Nordic with heavy Turkish accents. The Khazars were believed to be the same people as the Huns. The Khazars controlled the large and powerful pagan empire across most of Russia. They made there living as traders and middlemen, levying taxes on goods carried on trade routes through their land. In a series of wars, the first from (642-652 A.D), and the second from (722-739 A.D.) some 300,000 Khazar warriors prevailed against invading Muslims, saving Russia and eastern Europe for Christianity.


Charles Martel, the leader of the franks was a Khazarian ally and played a big role in helping defeat the Muslims. Martel was the grand father of Charlemagne, to whom 34 of the 43 presidents of the United States are descended.


Eventually, the Khazars became known simply as "Jews" and their true origin was lost. In its place their leader sold to them and the rest of the world a false history. A belief that they were the "biblical Jews," and the fallacy continues today with devastating consequences. The Khazars were, and still are fascinated with the ancient mystical form of Judaism called Kabbalah. Kabbalah is the Jewish form of ancient gnostisicm, a belief that god is uncounscious yet everywhere.


The Khazarian empire lasted over 300 years, infiltrating every nation in the world. They were the commercially controlling entity (the bankers, the commerce), the reigning super power. In the years preceding the French Revolution, the foundation had been laid for a new order in the world. So, Kabbalist helped establish the ultra secret Illuminati, which became a cover for plots that would begin eroding Christian civilization.


As the 20th century dawned, the Khazar Jews turned their attention to the Romanov dynasty of Russia. The Jews had long hoped to overthrow the Czar. Jewish philosophers such as Moses Hess and Karl Marx helped contrive a philosophy to help make such an overthrow possible. International Jewish bankers of New York, London, and Hamburg also conspired to help finance the plan. Eventually, the Romanov dynasty was overthrown, and the Bolshevik communist party was put in place, led by Khazar Jews. In fact, almost 75% of the high ranking officers in the Communist party where Khazars (even Lenin).


Today, the Khazars, or (Ashkenazim) are the vast majority of those who call themselves "Jews." Almost 80%. They claim to be Semites and descendants of Shem the son of Naoh, which is false. In truth, Arabs are the true descendants of Shem. Only 3% of Jews fit in this category. The Khazar Jews actually descended from Yepheth (Japhet) and spoke a language known as Yiddish, which many of them still speak today.


The most powerful and well known Khazarian family is the Rothschild family. The Rothschild's own around 81% of Israel. The flag of Israel flies the hexagram symbol from the Rothschild family red shield. The Rothschild family is estimated to be worth over 500 trillion dollars. Conspiracy theorists tend to sum up "The Khazarian Conspiracy" in one passage. "John Revelation 3.9: Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
