>>12221400 (pb)
>Is there a wagering site online where one could bet on POTUS remaining in office after 1/20/2021 [for a second term]?
Been looking for the same for quite awhile myself, anon. It seems as if the mob/mafia is working with [them] to keep such a place hidden or deep. It's like that dig done by a few anons, and retweeted by Q+, about how "the line" on the winner of the Nov. 3 election went from 8:1 to Biden winning to 3:2 in the span of a few hours after midnight 11/3 - 11/4. Somebody won BIG and there was speculation that the mob was going to be pissed over losing so much money on a rigged election. That speculation disappeared when it was made known that the mob assisted with the greatest election steal in U.S. history in Philly (?). The latter post really pissed me off because I was hoping that the mob was at least neutralized by the Patriots, if not actually active in support of The Plan. I had naively thought that there was an imaginary line they wouldn't cross, i.e., the wholesale harvesting of children for the "designer drug" of [their] choice.