What company were you in? I was in HHC as a RTO during that tour. I was lurking on here and saw this shit and almost spilled my coffee.
I haven't seen those articles in yeeeeeeaaaars. Kinda brought a tear to my eye to remember that cesspool around Old Mod. Reach out brother because if you are who I think you are you have a good reason to squeeze the trigger and you deserve better patriot.
All I am asking is that you don't and you reach out to one of your former docs. These fucking turds on this board mean well but they will never know what Adhamiya was like. Quite frankly I am glad to know that another Spader found his way to this mess.
Keep your head in the game friend. If you are lurking on the 1-26 memorial page shoot Doc Lockson a message. Trust your brothers man!
-SPC "Milk Man" from HHC