Anonymous ID: ac2a96 Dec. 29, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.12223587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3682



The world is corrupt because of the fall of Man,

who fell by having sold himself into the slavery of sin and the condemnation thereof.

Before the fall,

Man had been given the Dominion of the earth.

When Man fell,

Man ceded it to the Dragon (the Serpent).

This placed the Dragon as the Prince of the Power of the Air,

meaning the Dragon stood between God and Man because of sin,

condemned to death,

including the heirs of Righteousness.

The Dragon was also made the accuser of those heirs,

standing before the throne of God in Heaven prosecuting the case against them.

When Christ remitted their sins by taking their punishment upon Himself,

there was no longer a need for the prosecutor in the Heavenly Court to accuse them.

The Dragon was therefore cast out of Heaven to EARTH.

Earth is still the realm of the Dragon.

It is a sort of roof or attic of Hell,

and very much a part of it.

The difference is,

that the Attic is for those still walking in bodies,

While the halls below are for those no longer in bodies.

So, yes,

Earth is part of hell.

It's just the part that's window dressing to fool those living in the attic they aren't in Hell.