I've seen this meme several breads now, and it is a good one, well executed. To make it even more realistic, match skin hues between the two POTUSes. The one on the left has more pink. If you're using PS, use Selective Color to match them. When it looks obviously shopped but still real as fuck, then you are done.
Problem with your surmising. They have fully controlled their media outlets all through this shitstorm. If they can't completely bury it now, then they wouldn't be able to completely bury it once the cockroach king got sworn in. Barring of course the unleashing of 5G nanobot golem DNA tech.
Beautiful meme. The best of this series so far.
Noice! Saved.
Very nice work.
I want to massage her cervix.
I have moar of them coming, from a recent interview she gave. She is the best. I would lie down in a puddle so she could walk over it and stay dry.
So much fakeness and gayness. Like a boil ready for to be lanced.
Hang in there, newfag. You'll get the drift.
Praying is an activity that has always been done in foxholes. There is a place for almost everything.
Normally a nightshift anon. These dayshift breads are really something. Love all you anons, no homo.