I don't want a participation trophy.
I just want to KNOW our enemies are brought to justice.
You guys are setting the stage for that.
Sorry the concernfags lack the wisdom to see it.
I see it. It is YOU who deserves the credit and all the appreciation in the world.
I am a volunteer. I balance my life. I have responsibilities and I make sure I figure out how to manage my time without losing anybody or my job(s)
Ive been researching truth for more than half of my life
I have all the patience in the world.
This is actually going ALOT faster than I could of ever possibly imagined.
ThankQ times 777Million
It seems the the "MIRROR"
"40,000 ft v"
seems to be the ones that really STUCK with us and we are constantly searching for its meaning
but in our search we have found millions of meanings that ALL seem right
Its like Q used magic lmao
Im constantly thinking to myself
"think mirror" when I see something odd
Evil will point their fingers and blame others for their own wrong doings, as if looking into a mirror
Hillary: Trump colluded with Russia
Hillary: I colluded with Russia and sold our Uranium to our enemies/ Iran and use it against the American people as leverage