I've seen my words highlighted on youtube videos.
I've seen a lot of our words.
Several…I adore, and they give full credit where it's due.
One, pretends to lurk the boards but takes all the credit. Smh. It's not about the credit, however it gives a false impression of what info/knowlede that person does or doesn't have. Then you get them trying to cover ZACH and Q at the same time….motherfucker NO.
I think that youtuber made a second account for that though…..more money more money. I'll keep doing it for free. At least some just get enough $$ to buy enough COVFEFE to do their two hour long breakdowns which include their OWN RESEARCH not on the boards.
Those are the ones who impress me.
Otherwise….they're making money off our autism and that is FUCKED and NO BETTER than the SHADOW GOVERNMENT. When ya think about it lol.