seth, you're losing your touch
Adam K thinks that anon are dried brush and that demanding fair elections is throwing a torch on it.
No, Adam.
it's more like anon are bricks, and not recognizing the legal will of the people is just laying them in a pile, without the 'We the People" keystone.
Adam K needs to rethink his rhetoric and realize that anon know he's a good guy, even if a bit of a tool.
but hardened steal is useful.
not too hard, Adam, or pointed in the wrong direction?
Use your sword of truth in the other direction, against those who aren't of We the People and would steal our elections.
You can not build the arch of good government without the keystone of 'We the People'. Slandering us only make it seem that you'd be an untrustworthy consul, someone who doesn't understand the logistics of what is going on in the streets and on the ground where people don't riot but assemble peacefully.
We need these rough and ready men of sudden action. But they ought not be loosely triggered like a mouse trap, and explode into nonsense of slander that the supporters of the president have endured from the slander that we are going to incite riots and violence. No, the efforts are to keep that to be as little as possible. We are not to be a sudden brush fire set off just because we demand a fair count of a fair vote. And Adam suggesting that we are, and that we should just give up insults the supporters of the president.
We are citizens and voters, Adam, not dried brush ready for a torch.
Have some faith in us and then we'll find you more believable as a leader, and not one who should just step in line. I applaud that you don't just go with the crowd. But if the crowd is exercising their right to assemble and to have speeches . . . then you ought to just understand that the adults who want to do this don't need you trying to hush our efforts. You owe us all an apology and especially the president!