R103O1 landed at State College, PA.
VENUS30 froze at 400ft on approach to Wilmington. R1944 inbound to Wilmington.
VENUS67 returning from orbiting Newport News. R103O1 ops flight returning from State College.
Henry Cavill is not a bum chum, a rope rooster, a pillow biter, a bike rack, he doesn't munch the trunch, get it?
He's more than a bit metro, but he's not as bent as a seven dollar note.
I sense much disappointment in your future, but I'm no psychic. Unrequited love (or lust) is your future. He probably doesn't know that you even exist.
VENUS67 landing at Andrews. R103O1 in the pattern, following it in. Debrief time?
P-8 Poseidon guarding the entrance to Chesapeake, must be something valuable on board R103O1 to have an escort flight and SIGINT guarding.
We are all anonymous on here. so how do you know? You could be being scammed.
Yarr! There be whales a-plenty here. Man the harpoon!
More chins than the Chinese White Pages
Planefag needs to refuel and re-arm. Be back in a while.
Project Rainbow, aka The Philadelphia Experiment.
USS Eldriidge
Roger that, wheels down o7